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First-Year FAQs

Aug. 14, 2012—Today I grabbed coffee with a girl from my high school who’s coming to Vandy (I can’t believe Move-In Day is SATURDAY!). I tried to answer any questions she had and I figured some excited first-years out there might be curious about them too:

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Pre-Med Professors

Jul. 23, 2012—One of my friends from high school has a little sister coming to Vandy next year so I’ve been sharing my vast wisdom (ha) about classes and professors, primarily pre-med related. Here are a few of my favorites for any curious incoming freshman:

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A Day in the Life: Stubbs Lab

Jul. 12, 2012—I’ve blogged in the past about my undergraduate research in a structural biology lab at Vanderbilt and how this summer I’m working full-time as a part of a summer research program called VUSRP, but I’ve never really gotten into the nitty gritty of what I do in lab. Welcome to a day in the life...

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Summer Update

Jul. 8, 2012—Sorry I’ve been slacking with my blogging y’all, but here are a few updates:

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Physics Phun (Sorry, I had to do it)

May. 21, 2012—I’ve been meaning to blog for the last week or so, but I’ve been so busy that I kept forgetting. I know you’re wondering why I’m so busy, so let me tell you about my summer plans:

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How I Stay Sane Through Finals

May. 2, 2012—It’s a stressful time of year, no doubt. However, I have a few habits and tricks that tend to keep me sane during finals.

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The Final Countdown

Apr. 15, 2012—It's that time of year, blog-readers. Everything is spiraling into a just-barely-manageable madness. Every club I'm part of leadership for has events to help coordinate, final speeches and essays are due, and actual finals are just around the corner. Meanwhile, I'm trying to enjoy the time I have left with friends here in Nashville (particularly the soon-to-graduate seniors) and enjoy my final weeks here before I return home for the summer.

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Internship Abroad

Apr. 2, 2012—This semester, I have had the unique opportunity to do an internship while in France (and get credit for it!). I am working a children’s hospital in Marseille with a philanthropic organization called “Les Blouses Roses,” which dedicates its time to making the stays of children and the elderly more enjoyable while at the hospital....

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Life Without a Laptop

Mar. 25, 2012—For the past few months or so, my laptop had trouble connecting to the internet, but I could usually get it to work by restarting it a few times. Last Sunday afternoon though, it randomly decided it didn’t have the hardware for Wi-Fi anymore, and the Apple store recommended I drop it off there.

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Mom’s Weekend

Feb. 28, 2012—I don’t think I ate a single meal on Vanderbilt’s campus last weekend, because it was AOII Mom’s Weekend! Let me explain:

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