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A quick breather

Dec. 10, 2018—Now that my two hardest finals – biochem and physics – are over, I can take things a bit easier. Though finals week is, by definition, not the most stress-free time of the year, it does not have to be as grueling as some people make it seem. A friend of mine, who is an electrical...

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A Finals Week Survival Guide

Dec. 7, 2018—It is finally that time of year. The week of the semester that students dread more than any other. Finals week. All of the effort and studying that has been put into the semester culminates in this final week, where we will be pushed to be the best students we can be. As I sit...

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Back to Black {and Gold}

Aug. 27, 2018—Though I moved in a week ago, and classes started just last Wednesday, it feels like I’ve been at Vandy for a much longer time, while also not realizing how fast it all goes by. At the same time it feels like I’m still at the beginning, but I also feel much more experienced since...

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Losing voice, gaining sleep

Dec. 10, 2017—Guys, I got sick right before finals and lemme tell y’all, it’s not fun. 10/10 would not recommend… It all started with losing my voice after an impromptu jam sesh with my suite mates and neighbors. My voice progressively got worse, and I caught a cold on top of it. My only method of communication...

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Not quite Sweater Weather

Dec. 4, 2017—One of my mottos: Why be inside when you can be outside? Call it global warming, climate change, the South, etc., it’s hard to not enjoy this weather. Although we are in December right now, it feels more like October. Temperatures have been in the 60s and 70s, cooler in morning and evening but warming...

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Calm before the storm

Dec. 4, 2017—Finals season is upon us… I’ve been saying this all semester, but time goes by so quickly at Vandy. It feels like we just started the school year, and it’s already time for finals. Especially after Thanksgiving break, it just goes by super quickly. This weekend I did some studying, but I also just tried...

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On Fall Break

Oct. 15, 2017—Fall break holds a special place in my heart. It’s a comma in the middle of a sentence – a pause before the next movement of a symphony. A chance to take a breath, reset, and gain some perspective. Junior year has been, unsurprisingly, pretty hectic. I’d spent the summer down in Charlotte for my...

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A Typical Day

Mar. 28, 2017—A question I get asked frequently (and used to wonder a lot myself) by high school students applying to colleges, my parents, and friends back home is “What’s a typical day like at Vandy?” A typical weekday for me in Vandy Land: Wake up around 8 Commons breakfast! Start class around 9 Lunch around noon...

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Finals Week at Vanderbilt

Dec. 15, 2016—What is Finals Week like at Vanderbilt?

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My (Real) Vanderbilt Experience: It’s a Success (Sort of)

Mar. 7, 2016—It’s 2:00 AM and I’m at Stevenson Library. On my right are five research papers, newly printed and stapled. On my left is my planner, covered in writing. My head’s buzzing with all the stuff I have to do and I’m trying to keep everything under control. And one thought above all: College is so much harder than I thought it was.

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