‘Study Abroad’
YOLLO- You Only Live in London Once
Oct. 9, 2012—I’m finally settled in London, y’all! My class schedule has been approved, I’ve visited most of the touristy sites, and I’ve even joined a sports team (bet you’ll never guess which one).
And I’m Off!
Sep. 10, 2012—After weeks of packing, dozens of trips to Target, and triple-checking the weight of my bags (one is 46 pounds while the other is 32…at least they’re under 50!), I’m finally flying to London!
London Lectures
Aug. 21, 2012—Classes start tomorrow at Vandy and while my classes in London won’t start until September 24th (no complaints), I’ve looked into classes I might take at UCL.
British Invasion
Aug. 7, 2012—As if you haven’t been hearing about London enough (I’ve been glued to my tv from 8-12 every night—it’s healthy I know), I have some more exciting news about studying abroad.
London Calling
Jul. 14, 2012—In case you can’t tell, I’m a teeeeny bit excited about studying abroad in London next fall. Two of my friends are studying abroad in Edinburgh, one in St. Andrews, and another in Buenos Aires…so how did we decide where to study?
A Spoonful of Sugar
Jul. 14, 2012—French food is fantastically fresh! It is so delicious! This post contains a visual feast of delicious foods that I've sampled in France thus far!
Summer Update
Jul. 8, 2012—Sorry I’ve been slacking with my blogging y’all, but here are a few updates:
Can You Feel The Love Tonight?
Jul. 8, 2012—Bonjour! We have arrived in Paris, toured around the hotspots, immersed ourselves in French culture, and have loved the music!
Vandy Summers
May. 28, 2012—I shared what I’m up to this summer in my last post so I thought I’d also mention what my Vandy friends are doing!
Physics Phun (Sorry, I had to do it)
May. 21, 2012—I’ve been meaning to blog for the last week or so, but I’ve been so busy that I kept forgetting. I know you’re wondering why I’m so busy, so let me tell you about my summer plans: