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‘student organizations’

Back at it Again!

Sep. 26, 2018—My third year at Vanderbilt has just begun, and it has already been busy, yet great! Here’s an update on my first month back in Nashville! My First Week: On the second day of classes, I saw Beyoncé and Jay-Z in concert in Vanderbilt Stadium! It was INCREDIBLE to say the least. Also, all the...

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Back to Black {and Gold}

Aug. 27, 2018—Though I moved in a week ago, and classes started just last Wednesday, it feels like I’ve been at Vandy for a much longer time, while also not realizing how fast it all goes by. At the same time it feels like I’m still at the beginning, but I also feel much more experienced since...

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A Letter to Freshman Year Me

May. 13, 2018—Dear Freshman Ashli, At this point, you are about to graduate high school and spend your entire summer wondering about all the mysteries of college. Knowing myself, you are also questioning what your life at Vanderbilt will be like for the next four years. As a now rising college junior, I have learned numerous life...

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Vandy Lingo 101

Aug. 12, 2017—I remember how I felt this same time last year. There was exactly one week remaining until I finally set foot on Vanderbilt’s campus as a student and hearing the Move Crew, which I’ll be a part of this year, scream “Anchor Down!” as I arrived on campus. There is so much about Vanderbilt that...

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Musicals, Holi, Drumming, Oh My!

Apr. 11, 2017—Hello everyone! I’m Yuqi, and I’m here with the first of many updates on my adventures at Vanderbilt! While I’m still shocked that there are only 2 weeks of school left (and then finals!!!), this also means that many cultural and performance arts groups have been fitting in their last events and performances in the...

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(A Few of) My Favorite Things

Mar. 10, 2017—Hi all! My name is Ruth, and I’m a sophomore in the Blair School of Music double majoring in Harp Performance and Public Policy Studies. I love Vanderbilt and have a passion for making the first-year experience and college transition period as easy as possible! I hope to give you some valuable information about Vandy and...

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Student Orgs for Days

Nov. 7, 2015—“College XYZ has over 300 student-run clubs and organizations. If you can’t find one that you like, you can start your own!” If you’re a high school senior, you’ve probably heard some form of this declaration way too many times during an info session or campus tour. Colleges love to talk about how involved their...

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Kenya Dig It?

Nov. 6, 2015—Get it? "Kenya" as in "Can you dig it?" Organizations with puns in their name are my favorite, including this one!

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Vandy: Round 2

Jun. 25, 2015—Things to look forward to this fall.

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Farewell, Freshman Year!

Apr. 21, 2015—All the feels.

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