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‘Spring Break’

The ASBlog Post

Mar. 10, 2015—I woke up late. Forty minutes late. The alarm wasn’t the one I had set, but the sound of my phone ringing—my site leader Daniel trying to make sure I was awake and/or alive. I was, but I was also sleepy after a late night of packing and cleaning my room. Once I got myself...

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The End is Coming

Feb. 27, 2015—I’m half way done. I only have one half left of my last semester at Vanderbilt. It only really hit me this afternoon as I walked out of my last midterm for the week. But wait, not just the last midterm of the week, the last midterm of my college career. It’s bitter sweet, I...

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Chronicles of Narnia: the Student, the Shift, and the Family

Dec. 24, 2014—Going home for the holidays might not be what you expected it to be. Sure wasn't for me the first time.

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Marathon Summer: Unconventional Engineering

May. 2, 2014—*Guest blog by my roommate and fellow burger-enthusiast, Mary Kate Hardy Last semester I discovered one of the hidden gems of engineering in the form of a Biomedical Engineering elective course, titled Service Learning in Guatemala. This course included a trip to Guatemala over Spring Break to repair and service medical equipment. Never have I had more fun in an engineering class. The hands-on learning experience was incredible, and fine dining and zip lining with your professors was a blast too.

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Five Days of Harry: Day 1

Mar. 16, 2014—I'm breaking my accidental blog silence (sorry guys) with a series of posts about my spring break! I'll start out with a little background: this semester, I'm enrolled in a class called Harry Potter and Child Development. Sounds awesome, right?

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Apr. 23, 2013—Just got home from holidays! Check out my pictures from my trip!

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Visitors, Sigur Ros, Adventure Weekend, Barcelona, oh my!

Mar. 18, 2013—Hello friends, Wow it has been a really long time since I have posted a blog and to all of my faithful followers out there, I apologize. So much has happened since my parents came to visit me almost a month ago – so I am just going to dive in with some of the...

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SPOTSpring Break

Mar. 12, 2013—I totally stole that title from all the ASB-ers out there. It doesn't work quite as well when there are five letters instead of three, but it does get the point across--today, I have the privilege of sharing where I spent my Spring Break: Dallas, TX on SPOTS!

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Just the Break I Needed

Mar. 11, 2013—I spent this past week in bright and beautiful Miami Beach. Although it was a little colder than usual (about 20 degrees below average), the sun was out and my family was there. Spring break is the only real break we get during the semester and although many of my adventurous peers participated in service trips and fun getaways, I knew that I needed some family time to make it through the semester.

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Taking a Week Off

Mar. 6, 2013—Since Monday, Vanderbilt has been on Spring Break and I have been using my week as a way to take some time off school and prepare for the second leg of my Spring Semester. During Spring Break, most Vanderbilt students will go off to the beach or go on Alternative Spring Break. I chose to...

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