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Why Vanderbilt: Transfer Students (Part III)

Jan. 31, 2020—Tomorrow, we will embrace the second month of 2020 with the leap day. The deadline of transfer application is getting closer. I hope the following Why Vanderbilt responses will be helpful to transfer applicants. Enjoy. I. A Junior’s Response Hometown: China “This is my second year at Vanderbilt. Before transferring to Vanderbilt, I was looking...

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Course Highlight: Beginning Nonfiction Workshop

May. 24, 2019—It does not matter where you are from or what you have experienced, you have stories that are worth sharing. Even when you feel like the person next to you is entirely different from you, you can still feel something they have. I learned these two things in ENGL 1240 with Professor Piyali Bhattacharya. The...

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A Versatile Engineer: Yufei Yan

Feb. 14, 2019—As a student of College of Arts and Science, I was curious about student experience in School of Engineering. Therefore, I interviewed my friend Yufei, who would spend the spring semester interning at Facebook. Part I. “I am” Name: Yufei Yan Year: 2020 Hometown: Nanjing, China Majors: Computer Science, Mathematics Extracurriculars: Lunar New Year Festival...

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Global Health Case Competition

Mar. 23, 2018—This year I joined the Vanderbilt Institute for Global Health’s Student Advisory Council (VIGH SAC) and have been working on the Global Health Case Competition team. The VIGH SAC is a partnership between undergraduates, graduate students, and professionals in global health working together to promote knowledge about global health on campus and share resources. I...

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Spring Semester Check In

Feb. 19, 2018—It’s hard to believe that the semester is already almost halfway done, and I’m quickly on my way to being a senior. With midterms and Spring Break quickly approaching, here are some tips that I’ve found helpful to make sure that I’m on track for the rest of the semester: Go to office hours. Make...

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Not for the Faint of Heart: Math 2500

Dec. 22, 2015—As I looked around on the first day of class Math 2500: Multivariable Calculus and Linear Algebra, thirty-nine other kids sat in the chairs in the classroom in Stevenson 1. By the time of the final exam, eighteen remained. This is the story of the first semester of the best math class offered in freshman year, called Math 2500, taught by the legend who is Professor Bruce Hughes.

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A little bit of France, A little bit of Pictionary

Apr. 10, 2014—My French professor hosted a dinner at her house! Pictionary was played. Hilarity ensued.

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Memoirs or How I Learned to Write About Other People

Dec. 16, 2013—This semester I had the pleasure of taking an intermediate nonfiction workshop with Sandy Solomon. Centered on memoir- and profile-writing, we became acquainted with the craft of “writing about other people.” I have had my fair share of journaling enterprises, but they all came to sad untimely demises a few entries after their inception. This...

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Chin Up

May. 3, 2013—So this is it. Overweight suitcases and hastily stuffed duffel bags line the hallway. Parents scurry around, last minute packing ensues. Someone inevitably loses a something – a room key, a microwave, a Kindle. It’s all quite cacophonic, but a singular bleakness pervades the air. As the freshmen – or should I say the rising...

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White Panda and Class Excursions

Oct. 22, 2012—It seems like no weekend here at Vanderbilt is a boring weekend. And this weekend was no exception. After class on Friday, I spent my afternoon doing what I do best; loafing. I spent a good chunk of my Friday evening in my bed returning emails, calling friends and family, and catching up on my...

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