Curd Your Enthusiasm at “The Bloomy Rind” (Sorry for the Cheesy Pun)
May. 9, 2014—This guest blog was written by the illustrious Dave Bruns, my peddling partner to "The Bloomy Rind," an artisan cheese shop in East Nashville. We biked a long whey, almost ten miles back and forth, for our midday meal due to our infatuation with cheese. His witty writing is quite gouda, so maybrie you too will become enraptured by his tale of our quest for mouth-watering goodness.
The Great Apartment Hunt
May. 8, 2014—Good news, dear readers--it looks like I'll be staying in Nashville for at least a little while post-grad! More on that later, most likely, but this brings me to something that has been taking up most of my free time: apartment hunting.
Guest Blog: Graduating as a Transfer Student
May. 8, 2014—With the countdown to graduation down to only a handful of hours, the reality that two years at Vanderbilt have passed is astounding. As a junior transfer student, I have only been able to call Nashville home for four semesters, yet what has transpired within that time is nothing short of remarkable.
I Scream For Ice Cream
Apr. 21, 2014—Free ice cream and good causes? That's my kinda party!
Meloroo 2014
Apr. 19, 2014—The following is a co-written post by bloggers Caitlyn and me (Victoria). We’ve just returned from Saturday night’s Melodores concert. It was, of course, fantastic! There are not one, but two, bloggers in the Melodores– Nathan and Rani. Since this is Nathan’s senior (and consequently last) show and he is insanely busy, we decided to...
There’s No Place Like Nashville
Apr. 14, 2014—As if you need more incentive to come visit Vanderbilt and Nashville, here it is. A run-down of my last four days that have made me fall even more in love with Nashville.
For the Love of Science
Apr. 10, 2014—Vanderbilt Student Volunteers for Science is an organization that helps spread the love of science to elementary and middle school students in the larger Nashville community. While this initially looks like a philanthropic opportunity for science geeks, fear not! All you need to have is the willingness to serve younger students--the science stuff comes straight from the manual.
Choosing the Right Dore
Mar. 31, 2014—Soon, you will be all receiving your regular decision letters from the colleges that you have applied to. And within a month, you'll have to decide which door you want to enter for the next four years of your life. This is a short post on why you should open the correct dore and become... a Commodore.
Congratulations 2018’s (and some unsolicited advice)
Mar. 29, 2014—Vanderbilt chose you, but why should you choose Vanderbilt? And a little congratulatory ego-boost with love from your (hopefully) fellow Commodore. PS that featured photo was my first ever VU instagram from my visit last April. #loveatfirstsight
Surprise in Music Literature class
Jan. 18, 2014—After a long day I got to listen to a wonderful band in my American Popular Music class.