Back in the USA
Jun. 19, 2013—Hello faithful followers, It has surely been a while since my last post, but I have made it back to the United States safe and sound. I left Edinburgh on the 25th of May (sad face), and since then have moved into my summer apartment and started interning in New York City. Leaving Edinburgh, and...
Visitors, Sigur Ros, Adventure Weekend, Barcelona, oh my!
Mar. 18, 2013—Hello friends, Wow it has been a really long time since I have posted a blog and to all of my faithful followers out there, I apologize. So much has happened since my parents came to visit me almost a month ago – so I am just going to dive in with some of the...
6 Nations Rugby
Feb. 11, 2013—This past Saturday, I had the amazing opportunity to attend one of the “Six Nations Championship” rugby matches right here in Edinburgh! The six nations championship games officially started in 2000 (as it previously only had five nations who played), and the participating countries incude England, Scotland, Whales, Ireland, Italy, and France. In short, each of the six...
Harry Potter’s Birthplace, Superbowl Scotland Style, and the flu
Feb. 4, 2013—Hello friends! So this week in Edinburgh was amazing! Every week is getting better and better here. So let me just tell you what I did Tuesday: My program had a “reunion dinner” at a restaurant over in the West End of Edinburgh. We went to a restaurant called Bar Roma which serves traditional italian food. Most...
Picking a Schedule for a Semester Abroad
Mar. 13, 2012—For the past few days, most Vanderbilt students have been distracted. That’s because all the class listings for next fall were just posted on YES (Your Enrollment Services).