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Free Food & Finals

Apr. 18, 2019—With all of the stress of finals approaching, it is easy to get overwhelmed with everything happening. However, Vanderbilt does a great job of keeping students encouraged and motivated during this time of year! Here are a couple of the destress events that Vanderbilt is offering during this finals season! Stress Less Spring Fest This...

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As Finals Season Approaches…

Mar. 26, 2019—It’s 8:50 am. You’re shoving your books into your book bag while thinking of the GenChem test you have next week and the 2000-word essay due in three days that you still need to write. As you leave your room, you remember that your student org has a mandatory meeting tonight and you groan at...

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A quick breather

Dec. 10, 2018—Now that my two hardest finals – biochem and physics – are over, I can take things a bit easier. Though finals week is, by definition, not the most stress-free time of the year, it does not have to be as grueling as some people make it seem. A friend of mine, who is an electrical...

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Calm before the storm

Dec. 4, 2017—Finals season is upon us… I’ve been saying this all semester, but time goes by so quickly at Vandy. It feels like we just started the school year, and it’s already time for finals. Especially after Thanksgiving break, it just goes by super quickly. This weekend I did some studying, but I also just tried...

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7 Days of Blogging: The Best Ways To Destress During Finals

Nov. 20, 2017—While Thanksgiving break is far from over, I will admit that my mind has been on the finals I’ll have to take before coming home at the end of the semester. However, while it is easy for college students to get too focused on exams to prioritize their sleep, friendships, and overall wellbeing, my goal...

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How To Manage Stress Effectively

Apr. 4, 2017—It’s that time of year again. Finals are in a few weeks, professors are holding midterm after midterm, and upcoming recitals and concerts require hours of rehearsal. There are papers to write, applications to submit, and juries to practice for. At times like this, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. As such, I thought it’d be helpful to share...

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Balancing Your Break!

Nov. 16, 2016—With Thanksgiving Break rapidly approaching (woohoo!!), I’m torn between wanting to use my free time to work ahead on assignments and wanting to relax and catch up with friends and family. On one hand, finals are about to get crazy, and I have three papers due when I get back from break! On the other,...

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Dec. 23, 2015—A lot of you can probably relate to this, but studying for finals was never really a concern in high school. I was always pretty certain about the grade I’d receive, but in college it’s definitely more difficult to get the grade I want. Also, the most annoying thing was finding out that an A-...

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The Five People You Meet During Finals

Dec. 18, 2015—And yes, those are my mechanism-covered whiteboards. I’m very proud of them. They helped me get a good grade in Orgo this semester, although I think they’re less Beautiful Mind and more like that scene in 21 Jump Street where Channing Tatum draws 4s all over the board in his Chemistry class

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The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Dec. 13, 2015—Ah, finals. A season during which you can catch the college student in their most natural state (which, for me, is wearing sweatpants and a T-shirt that’s four sizes too big, hair unwashed, sitting curled up in a coffee shop somewhere as if my appearance is at all socially acceptable and frantically copying notes).

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