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Wacky Wednesdays

Jan. 23, 2015—After what usually ends up being a late night of newspaper production every Tuesday for the Hustler, I wake up on Wednesday mornings a little more tired than usual. Unfortunately for me, Wednesdays happen to be my busiest day of the week this semester, with not one, not two, not even three, but FOUR classes,...

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Winding Down

Dec. 14, 2013—After a stressful week of finals, I am done and ready to enjoy my winter break! Here is what I have been up to the past few days...

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Oct. 9, 2013—This is slightly delayed, but two Fridays ago, I got the biggest surprise of my life: my parents came to visit! Now, for many Vanderbilt students, your parents coming to visit on Family Weekend isn’t really a surprise.  But being from California, my parents have never been able to come before.  When I found out...

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The First Five Things I’ll Do At Vandy

Aug. 20, 2013—I’m very excited to head back to school after making many fun memories over summer vacation. I even wrote a blog post about the five things I needed/wanted to do before leaving home since as Dorothy says: “there’s no place like home”. ;) In the same vein, I wanted to write a blog about the first five things I’m going to do upon my return to Nashville..

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Ed Sheeran Part 2

Jan. 23, 2013—Last night, I saw Ed Sheeran in concert…again. I saw him last semester in London, and he was so good that I had to see him again at the Ryman.

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Running in Nashville

Aug. 24, 2011—I feel like I’m always in class sometimes. But when I get really stressed out, I go for a run with my best friend, and roommate. No matter where on campus we are, or what project or paper we are working on, we cut an hour out of our days to go run together and...

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Valentine’s Day

Feb. 15, 2011—Yesterday was Valentine’s Day and despite its unfortunate nickname of Singles Awareness Day, it was a really fun day for me and my fellow single friends! In my mind, Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be solely about romantic love, but rather spending time with anyone you love, whether friends or family.

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