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‘East Nashville’

CC: Midtown Church!

Jul. 15, 2017—"Midtown was completely opposite form the only church experience I had known, yet it was exactly what I needed at the time."

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A Tourist in my Own City

Nov. 15, 2015—Whether it's in Barcelona or in Nashville, take some time and be a tourist in your own city once in a while.

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Escaping the Vander-bubble

Oct. 18, 2015—Nashville has a ton to offer, and it's always worth the effort to get off campus once in a while and explore.

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Jan. 23, 2015—The dilemma of many Vandy students is how to fit everything into just 24 hours a day. But one email from the International Student and Scholar Services and the Office of Active Citizenship and Service caught my eye, and I simply could not let go of this opportunity.

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Project Redesign Service Project

Apr. 6, 2014—Have you ever wanted to be on the Extreme Makeover: Home Edition?

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An Uneventful (but great) Break

Oct. 7, 2012—Over the next few days, you all will probably be inundated with stories of home, fun trips, and other tales of adventure from my fellow bloggers. From me, however, expect stories of baking, movies, and sleep.

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Nashville Outings

Sep. 16, 2012—One of my personal goals for the semester was to do more things off campus. Nashville is such an awesome city, but sometimes I am too busy with school, work, clubs, and the other 1 million things happening on campus, that I forget to venture outside the “vandy-bubble”. This week was much different. For my...

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