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Why Vanderbilt: Transfer Students (Part II)

Jan. 29, 2020—Happy Chinese New Year! Two more transfer students took their precious time to share their “Why Vanderbilt” answers with us. They discuss academics and campus atmosphere. One touches upon sustainability efforts this academic year. Enjoy! I. A Junior’s Response Majors:Child Studies and Psychology Hometown: Shanghai, China Intended Career: Bilingual teacher “I transferred to Vandy when...

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The Best On-Campus Vanderbilt Meals

Feb. 10, 2019—At Vanderbilt, you get 3 meals/day your first year and then it decreases to 2 meals/day as the default meal plan for your second year with the option to modify it to your liking. If you only have 2 meals/day like me, it’s important to use your meals wisely. Here are my breakfast, lunch, and, dinner...

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My Favorite Meal for Dinner

Feb. 3, 2019—One of my favorite places to get dinner on campus is at 2301. 2301 is an allergen friendly dining option located in Rand. It has ingredients free from the top eight allergens. They offer smoothies, salads, sautés, and sides. When first come up to 2301, you will choose whether to go into the smoothie line or...

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Surviving Rand at Noon

Jan. 23, 2019—It’s Monday afternoon, it’s 12:10 PM and your second class of the day just ended, and like any other college student- you’re starving. So, what do you do? You head to Rand with the hundreds of other students that just got out of class; ready to grab some food and hang out with your friends....

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Random Things I Love about Vandy

May. 19, 2017—1. Rand bowls These things are magical. The long rand bowl line proves it. The intensely dedicated rand bowl lady also bolsters the fact. What are rand bowls, you ask? They are the nutritious grain-protein-veggie masterpieces of Rand dining center. You pick between quinoa and freekeh for your grain, chicken, steak, or vegan steak for...

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Winding Down and Moving Out

Dec. 14, 2015—Finals. Yikes. That may be what you think, but let me tell you, it's not nearly as bad as rumor has it. In fact, staying on top of things allows you to have a lot of fun!

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Vandy Gone Swank

Nov. 15, 2015—Vanderbilt hosted a super top-secret dining excursion, and, of course, I was in attendance.

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One Big High: Work Hard, Play Hard

Oct. 11, 2015—My family would often play a game called High-Low. If you haven’t heard of it, what you do is go around and have everyone says his or her “high,” best part of the day and “low,” worst part of the day. Well, my low for the weekend was that at the concert I went to...

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Curd Your Enthusiasm at “The Bloomy Rind” (Sorry for the Cheesy Pun)

May. 9, 2014—This guest blog was written by the illustrious Dave Bruns, my peddling partner to "The Bloomy Rind," an artisan cheese shop in East Nashville. We biked a long whey, almost ten miles back and forth, for our midday meal due to our infatuation with cheese. His witty writing is quite gouda, so maybrie you too will become enraptured by his tale of our quest for mouth-watering goodness.

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Memoirs or How I Learned to Write About Other People

Dec. 16, 2013—This semester I had the pleasure of taking an intermediate nonfiction workshop with Sandy Solomon. Centered on memoir- and profile-writing, we became acquainted with the craft of “writing about other people.” I have had my fair share of journaling enterprises, but they all came to sad untimely demises a few entries after their inception. This...

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