Chin Up
May. 3, 2013—So this is it. Overweight suitcases and hastily stuffed duffel bags line the hallway. Parents scurry around, last minute packing ensues. Someone inevitably loses a something – a room key, a microwave, a Kindle. It’s all quite cacophonic, but a singular bleakness pervades the air. As the freshmen – or should I say the rising...
Guest Blog: Blair Salon Series
May. 1, 2013—At least once a month, Dean Wisclo, the Dean of the Commons who literally lives on the Commons, hosts "Dinner at the Dean's Residence." My friend Matt Lammers, a violinist, thought, why not bring Blair to the Commons? Here's his take on founding an initiative called the "Blair Salon Series":
The Write Stuff
Apr. 15, 2013—Before I admit that this super creative title was actually stolen from the company that made school supply packs for my elementary school, I have to apologize for not getting anything up here in a while. I’ve been SUPER busy with a whole bunch of things, including, but not limited to: doing my Econ homework,...
Why Vanderbilt?
Mar. 26, 2013—As regular decision letters were mailed yesterday, I am sure that this is the question on so many young minds (and on the minds of a few older parents as well). Though I can't answer this question for you, I can give you a little bit of insight into my own personal answer.
The Freshman 15…actually it’s 5…
Mar. 23, 2013—Freshman 15? Its a rumor...here are my 'freshman 5'!
Admitted Admissions Advertisement
Feb. 22, 2013—Last week, Samantha and I braved a journey filled with questioning glances, outright staring, and much laughter as we traversed across campus accompanied by our fondly inanimate friends, the swivel chairs. How did such a bizarre occurrence come about?
The Commons Experience
Feb. 20, 2013—*Guest blog by new friend and hip-hop enthusiast Tom Majerus When I first arrived at Vanderbilt, I was struck by two things: how everyone seemed nervous and how everyone seemed eager. These seem to be the best two emotions to describe the first two weeks of college. I made friends faster than I ever had in my life, and every day I had new challenges facing me. This was my favorite aspect of living on The Commons, Vanderbilt’s freshmen living community; everyone experiences the same new things together.
Vegetarian @ Vanderbilt
Dec. 3, 2012—By chance it happened to be a vegetarian/vegan special dinner at Rand. Red pepper hummus, pita bread, some vegetable thing, some mushroom rice, african spiced carrots, tofu parm, squash soup.
Home and Back Again
Nov. 28, 2012—Wow, time sure does fly! It seems like just yesterday, I was moving into school to start off the semester, and now it’s almost over?!? I was lucky enough to have an easy week before Thanksgiving, so I actually flew home on Wednesday night. Surprisingly, a majority of my classes were cancelled on Thursday and...
Why Wait? Applying to Vanderbilt Early Decision
Oct. 25, 2012—There has been one defining decisive action I have taken that I will never regret, applying to Vanderbilt Early Decision. There are multiple reasons why I decided Vanderbilt was the school for me...