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‘Commons Center’

A Peek Into The Commons Experience

Apr. 9, 2018—The most important part of your college experience isn’t getting all A’s on all of your assignments or getting involved in every single club your school has to offer, but is finding your home and feeling comfortable on your campus. Vanderbilt strives to make this process as easy as possible for first-year students, as the...

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Commons Ball 2016

Feb. 6, 2016—The Galaxy Gala

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Day One.

Jun. 30, 2015—Summer is in full swing and I miss my Vanderbilt so much that I’m not sure what to do with myself. Luckily, I have all of you amazing Inside ‘Dores readers, who have been sending me awesome emails that give me permission to ramble about my school, even when I’m on break (keep them coming...

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Vandy Ever After…

Feb. 11, 2015—Why go to Disney World when you can get it all plus more at Vanderbilt?

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Sami Reads the Viewbook

Dec. 12, 2014—Now that I’ve been home for almost a week with no schoolwork (wait, what?), and have been trapped inside by a lovely and uncharacteristic California rainstorm, I’ve starting coming up with some pretty nerdy ways to entertain myself. And I missed my Vanderbilt so much that I decided to dig up the viewbook they sent...

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A Breakfast Breakdown at Commons

Oct. 19, 2014—When I was registering for classes for the first time last summer, I thought it would be great to sign up for the earliest classes possible, so that I could have the afternoons off. What I didn’t take into account, however, was the fact that I would have to wake up. Early. Sometimes, (okay, all...

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2 Years Later

Sep. 30, 2014—I remember what it was like to be a freshman. I got to eat at the Commons Center every single day if I wanted to for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I could still do this if I wanted to, but the walk is a lot farther from College Halls this year. (Side fact: my favorite meal at...

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A Farewell Game

May. 2, 2012—Throughout the year, my band friends and I have regularly hosted game nights. One of our favorite games is Telestrations.

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Why Vanderbilt?

Mar. 11, 2012—With Spring Break last week, I got to go home and catch up with a bunch of my friends still in high school. Since most of them are second-semester seniors, I grilled them all about college. Hearing this whole process again reminded me why I chose to come to Vanderbilt in the first place,

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Feb. 26, 2012—Near the end of last year, as sophomore year housing was becoming an issue, I was offered a spot in a VIP (Vanderbilt Interest Project) by a friend of mine from ROTC. The VIP’s are a somewhat diluted version of the Mayfield Projects, with less group commitment in exchange for guaranteed housing in a less...

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