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Summer Plans

May. 3, 2019—I thought I’d talk a little bit about what I’m doing this summer since many of my fellow Inside ‘Dores bloggers have shared what they’re doing. As a music major, usually I would be off to some summer intensive music camp, but this year is a bit different. I haven’t actually been home for the...

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My Plans for the Summer

Apr. 28, 2019—Now that the year is winding down, and finals season is coming to a slow end, I’ve pretty much figured out my plans for the summer. Unfortunately, they’re not very exciting, nor are they terribly unique. But, here they are:   1. Taking Organic Chemistry at a local university. Rather than taking Gen Chem with...

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Spring is here… for a few days

Apr. 3, 2019—The end of the year brings a tidal wave of quizzes, exams, and events, especially in the Spring semester. Many students organizations are rushing to host their big events for the year. Many students are searching for summer internships or jobs as the school year closes. It can feel like there is not a moment...

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My Winter Break

Jan. 5, 2019—I can’t believe break is almost over! Our winter break is about three weeks long, but it seems like time flew by and in a couple days, I’ll be back in Nashville for the spring semester. After a hectic whirlwind of finals, projects, and papers, winter break is well-deserved time off. I use this time...

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That’s a Wrap!

Dec. 21, 2015—Things have finally wrapped up, and I'm not talking about a to-go order at Chipotle, although that's almost as important. My first semester of college is now officially behind me, but I'll always keep it in the forefront of my mind.

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A Post-Summer Night’s Dream

Sep. 18, 2014—Here's a #tbt post about my fabulous summer with "wow I missed Nashville" commentary throughout, of course.

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My Old Kentucky Summer

Aug. 4, 2014—I know you want to know what I did this summer...

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My First American Thanksgiving

Dec. 8, 2013—I’ve had the privilege of experiencing quite a large number of American things over the past year and four months. One notable thing I didn’t get the chance to do last year, however, was celebrate an authentic American Thanksgiving. I had spent Thanksgiving break with a friend from back home, and the true spirit of...

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A Bodacious Break

Nov. 24, 2013—What better way to get back into the swing of blogging than to leave Vanderbilt? I jest, but this one is coming to you from Oak Ridge, TN, as I begin my Thanksgiving break mere miles from the site of yesterday’s football victory over UT, denying UT a bowl game for a second year in...

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A Summer Wrap Up

Aug. 20, 2013—Tomorrow begins Junior Year and ends the summer break. As I prepare for this new semester, I reflect on everything I did over the course of the summer. It all began in May. Finals were done and after a long 20 minute drive, I was back home in the comforts of Nashville, Tennessee. 3 months...

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