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Birthday Done Rite

Apr. 18, 2016—In college, birthdays can be a hit or a miss. This year, Vanderbilt was thoughtful enough to invite Future and Lil Dicky to perform for my birthday

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The Weird, Short Few Weeks Between Thanksgiving and Winter Break

Dec. 1, 2015—Just as we get settled back in, we leave again. But even in the campus chaos that is the time between breaks, I can’t help but be thankful (maybe it’s the contagious holiday spirit, or maybe it’s the fact that Vanderbilt is just literally my favorite place on Earth).

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Twenty-one is Twenty-fun

May. 7, 2014—Those who have known me a while know that I love my birthday an unreasonable amount. I have been known to quiz friends and acquaintances alike throughout the calendar year on the exact date of my birth, until it is drilled into their heads. I took a Megabus from Chicago to Nashville for a 10-day stay just so I could celebrate my birthday with my Vandy buds. April 26th is a HOLIDAY.

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I’m feelin’ 22.

Dec. 9, 2013—This year, on November 22nd, I celebrated my 22nd birthday! Since I've written about my birthday celebrations in the past, I figured I'd take a moment to share about my golden birthday.

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Dec. 18, 2012—Hello one, hello all! It has been a long time since I've posted. Not that I haven't been blogging... it was just a matter of actually publishing my drafts. Ah, well, now that this semester's over and I'm still at Vanderbilt, let me fill you in on a few things and explain why I'm still in warm-weather Nashville.

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Caitlyn’s Catch-Ups

Dec. 13, 2012—Please allow me to present to you Caitlyn's Catch-Ups, a series of blogs similar to (and possibly inspired by), but not affiliated in any way with the Catch Up with Nathan and Victoria series.

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