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Fun Times in Vandyland

Apr. 1, 2013—There is rarely a dull moment at Vanderbilt and this weekend was no different!

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SPOTSpring Break

Mar. 12, 2013—I totally stole that title from all the ASB-ers out there. It doesn't work quite as well when there are five letters instead of three, but it does get the point across--today, I have the privilege of sharing where I spent my Spring Break: Dallas, TX on SPOTS!

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I Get By With a Little Help from My Friends

Mar. 1, 2013—A huge part of the college experience is the friends you make. Some of them are the long-term kind that will eventually lead distant relatives in the Macarena at your wedding reception. There are also the kind of friends that you had a Statistics class with once, so you awkwardly smile at them whenever you walk past them on the way to class. Regardless, all of the people you invest in and engage with during your college experience are important, and I thought I was done making friends by the end of freshman year. AU CONTRAIRE.

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Frozen Frolicking

Feb. 1, 2013—I've been waiting and waiting and WAITING for this day to come. It finally snowed! What was first frankly a few flurries flourished into a flutter of fantastic flakes, fitting for the frigid temperatures we have been facing in the last few days before February.

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Symphonie Fantastique

Nov. 7, 2012—So what better for Blair kids to do on their Friday night than go to the Schermerhorn Symphony Center for a delightful evening of music? We boarded the bus downtown, and when we arrived, we saw around half of our school there. From the pianists to violists to vocalists to horn players, the Blair School of Music had invaded the Nashville Symphony. Yes, that is what we music majors do to kick off our weekends.

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Getaway for a Day

Sep. 25, 2012—This time of the semester is stressful. This coming week I have two papers, a test, a quiz and a whole host of miscellaneous tasks for group projects and extra curriculars. That’s why I was so glad this past weekend to get off campus for a few days for a BCM retreat at Deer Run...

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I Might As Well Be Living in The Sound of Music

Apr. 24, 2012—It's concert and performance season, and I'm not missing any opportunities to cheer on my friends in their musical endeavors. Perhaps one day their talents will rub off on me. Fingers crossed!

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