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May 1st: But What If I Make the Wrong Decision? Some Advice From a Graduating Senior

May. 1, 2019—A little bit of an intro: I get pretty my-way-of-being honest here, so please take whatever I say with a grain of Himalayan pink salt! (If you haven’t had it, you should. It’s just really good salt #highbloodpressureonedaywhat). If you have any questions or concerns, email me at Even though I am graduating, I...

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Why Did You Choose Vanderbilt?

Dec. 26, 2018—The big question, answered. Info added from the original post, "Why Vanderbilt?," published in October 2015.

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Introducing New Bloggers! – Part Two

Nov. 27, 2018—Inside ‘Dores just finished recruiting new student bloggers. Deniz and I are very excited to introduce them to you through this two-part post since we have a total of 16 new student bloggers! Here are the last eight:   Name: Zoë Browne Hometown: Westerville, OH Class: 2020 Major(s)/Minor(s): Special Education and Child Development Favorite on-campus...

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Apr. 26, 2017—I had a big anniversary that snuck up on me a few weeks ago. No, it was not with a romantic partner — it was with Vanderbilt. On April 13, 2015 (which forever be kept in my mind because it also happens to be my brother’s birthday), I got a warm and personalized acceptance e-mail from...

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Dear High School Senior Sophie…

Mar. 8, 2016—Hey, dear. Now, take a few deep breaths and look up from that AP Physics C book for now. You’ll do well on the exam, I promise. We need to talk.

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Decisions, decisions…

Dec. 14, 2015—In short, why you should be trying to join the new #vu2020 !!!

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Opening My Vanderbilt Decision

Dec. 11, 2015—Ah, how I will never forget December 12th, 2014.

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For All Those Accepted, Deferred and Rejected

Dec. 12, 2014—Whatever happens, happens for the best.

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Choose VU

Apr. 29, 2014—Since the Class of 2018 has received their acceptances, and May 1 is fast approaching, I've decided that this is a perfect time to share my 'Why Vanderbilt' story with the internet.

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Just got your admission letter? What’s next?

Mar. 9, 2014—Congratulations to the members of the class of 2018 who already know that Vandy is going to be their home for the next four years! I applied Regular Decision myself last year, and around this time I was compulsively checking my email every 5 minutes. I fished out my admissions letter recently and it was...

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