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Speakers Committee Category

Embodying Diversity: Lackhoney

Mar. 23, 2018—Vanderbilt student by day and rapper/producer by night, Aly Lakhani, better known by his alias LACKHONEY, recently hit 80 thousand monthly listeners on Spotify! He is yet another embodiment of how diverse this campus is, and an example of how hard work and perseverance really do pay off. Talking with him made me see how...

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Spring Semester at Vanderbilt

Jan. 15, 2018—Spring at Vanderbilt is one of my favorite things. The campus blossoms with flowers, each day gets a little warmer, and, most of all, there are so many fun events on campus and in Nashville. I wanted to make a little post about what I’m looking forward to the most this spring because it is...

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Send us yo questions (yo)

Jun. 23, 2017—Email your questions about anything, because we know it all (obviously). :) Even if we don't, we can always find someone who does.

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A Variety of Speakers

Oct. 16, 2016—As you may have picked up, this semester is pretty packed for me — but there’s no cause to worry! Even with eighteen hours and a Mayfield Project (refer to other post), there’s still plenty of time to do things that I like to do. (And if I can do it, I know you can!)...

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Humans of Vanderbilt

Oct. 5, 2016—If you didn’t know this already as a dedicated Inside Dores reader, Vanderbilt is a pretty cool university. And one of the best things about being a cool, or at least well-known university, is that when the Vanderbilt Speakers Committee asks famous people to come talk to us, they actually agree to come. A prime...

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VPB: Speakers Committee

Jan. 29, 2016—There are literally hundreds of student organizations on campus, and one of the biggest ones is the Vanderbilt Programming Board or VPB (Vandy loves its acronyms). VPB is an umbrella organization of smaller committees such as Homecoming, Speakers Committee, CityVU, The Music Group, The VenUe, and Vandy Fanatics. This past week, I attended a Speakers...

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I Spy the Science Guy

Oct. 9, 2014—You may think it would take a hot musician or a superstar actor to garner a full house of Vanderbilt students, but all it really takes is a little bit of science.

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Speaking to My Soul

Apr. 18, 2014—Just a sampling of some of the incredible speakers I have had the opportunity to see here at Vanderbilt this semester. Highlighted here are Gen. Colin Powell, Courtney Martin, and Josh Radnor.

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Ehud Barak Visits Vanderbilt!

Apr. 8, 2013—Throughout my time here at Vanderbilt, I have found that there is a large emphasis placed on fostering healthy discussions in the hopes of exposure to a variety of world perspectives.

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IMPACT Symposium

Mar. 25, 2012—IMPACT Symposium, an annual event, is hosted by the Vanderbilt Speakers Committee and brings a variety of incredible speakers to campus. This year, the theme was America's Foreign Policy in the 21st Century.

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