Student Life Category
Public Art and The Kefi Project
Oct. 19, 2014—It’s time to introduce one of the standout student orgs on campus: The Kefi Project. If you’re not familiar with Kefi, we’re to blame for poetry in unexpected places, water-bottle chandeliers, and so many parasols. The Greek word kefi (κέφι) conveys a spirit of joy, passion, enthusiasm and high-spirited living. I got involved in the...
A Freshman’s Guide to Froyo
Oct. 19, 2014—A directory of the hottest spots for Vanderbilt's coolest treats.
First Time Honkytonk Line Dancing
Oct. 10, 2014—I’m no fan of country music, I don’t see the big deal in wearing cowboy boots, and I absolutely refuse to say the southern linguistic conundrum of “y’all.” And I’m from Houston! Ironic, isn’t it? Granted, Houston is probably one of the least stereotypically “Southern” cities, since almost every building is fairly new and consists...
McGill: Where the Wild Things Are
Oct. 10, 2014—“I don’t feel like joining a frat,” I said to my friends back home before I left for Nashville. “It doesn’t suit my persona.” “Well, good luck, then!” they responded. “You’re on your way to frat central.” At first, I actually believed them. I heard about how stereotypically Southern Vandy was in every way it...
I Spy the Science Guy
Oct. 9, 2014—You may think it would take a hot musician or a superstar actor to garner a full house of Vanderbilt students, but all it really takes is a little bit of science.
A Night in the Wild
Oct. 8, 2014—Over the weekend, I got together with 7 other guys and we went camping in Tennessee’s very own Percy Priest Lake. We knew we wanted to go camping. Then one of us mentioned a spot that he had gone once where there was both cliff jumping and canoeing involved. We were immediately sold. Fast forward...
Movies + Dancing + Theater = FUN!
Oct. 5, 2014—A week full of Channing Tatum, Garba and Much Ado About Nothing.
Above the Mason-Dixon Line: Part 2
Oct. 2, 2014—After my adventures in New York City, it was time to get down to serious business. My boys and I rolled into New Haven, Connecticut and checked into the Knights of Columbus conference. So, short story, Knights of Columbus is a Catholic fraternal organization that has councils located all over the world. The basic mission...
Above the Mason-Dixon Line: Part 1
Sep. 30, 2014—This past weekend, I did something I have never done in my life. I walked in new waters. Waters above the Mason-Dixon line. I entered the North: an eye-opening experience. Now you’re wondering, why did I spend a weekend up in the north? Well, I was invited with two other guys to attend the National...
2 Years Later
Sep. 30, 2014—I remember what it was like to be a freshman. I got to eat at the Commons Center every single day if I wanted to for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I could still do this if I wanted to, but the walk is a lot farther from College Halls this year. (Side fact: my favorite meal at...