Spring Break Category
My Spring Break
Mar. 12, 2012—This spring break, I decided to go home and spend time with my family and high school friends, who were also home from their respective universities for break. This break was also awesome because some of my Vanderbilt friends came home with me, too!
Break’s Almost Over :(
Mar. 9, 2012—Spring break is nearly over (sad face), but it’s been great so far! It’s really been the break of new experiences for me!
It’s Tornado Season!
Mar. 5, 2012—Okay, so I’m not the most knowledgeable person when it comes to tornadoes…but I’m learning a lot today!
Habitat for Humanity: Commodore Trot 5k
Nov. 26, 2011—Vanderbilt’s Habitat for Humanity chapter annually hosts a 5k (3.1 miles) run/walk fundraiser called the Commodore Trot. All proceeds from the race go to benefit the chapter’s build fund, which will be used to sponsor a Habitat house under Vanderbilt’s name.
Sophomore Year Comes to a Close
May. 6, 2011—That’s that. I have completed my second year at Vanderbilt! At 5:00 PM on Wednesday afternoon, I finished my Intro to Biological Sciences (BSCI 110B) final which marked the beginning of summer! This morning I packed up my remaining belongings and left for my hometown of Auburn, Alabama. While on the road I began to mentally compile...
Yet Another Spring Break Option- SPOTS!
Mar. 22, 2011—As you’ve probably discovered reading through various Inside ‘Dores posts, Vanderbilt has a ton of Spring Break options. Alternative Spring Break (ASB), is one of the most common, but definitely not the only service trip available for Vanderbilt students. I decided this year to go with Vanderbilt’s Baptist Collegiate Ministry to Tampa, Florida for their...
Spring Break Paintballing
Mar. 19, 2011—Lucky for us student-athletes who are in season, we get to have Vanderbilt’s campus all to ourselves during spring break!!! Never mind getting tan on a cruise through the Caribbean and eating good food at Mardi Gras, we get to enjoy bathrooms all to ourselves and experience no lines at bread and co, no waiting...
There’s no such thing as “easing”
Mar. 17, 2011—I hope everyone had or is having a fantastic Spring Break. I went to Washington D.C. for a week as a part of an Alternative Spring Break program, ASB Help! While there we serviced the homeless community at Father McKenna Center at St. Aloysius Catholic Church. During the last two days of the trip, I...
ASB in New Hampshire
Mar. 14, 2011—Alternative Spring Break (ASB) at Vanderbilt University was the first program of its kind and was established by Vanderbilt students in 1987 and today is one of the most popular service organizations on campus. I would definitely recommend that every Vanderbilt student participate in ASB at least once before the graduate. It can truly be...
Just the Break I Needed
Mar. 12, 2011—When I said goodbye to my friends last Friday, I knew we’d all come back with good stories from our spring break adventures. A bunch of my friends went on ASB (Alternative Spring Break) and travelled to random parts of the country to participate in community service, while another went to the mountains of North...