Nashville Category
Twenty-one is Twenty-fun
May. 7, 2014—Those who have known me a while know that I love my birthday an unreasonable amount. I have been known to quiz friends and acquaintances alike throughout the calendar year on the exact date of my birth, until it is drilled into their heads. I took a Megabus from Chicago to Nashville for a 10-day stay just so I could celebrate my birthday with my Vandy buds. April 26th is a HOLIDAY.
If I Could Do It Again…
May. 3, 2014—Reflecting on my past three years at Vanderbilt (I’m a senior now!), this past year has definitely been the best yet.
Three Things I’ll Miss the Most From School
May. 2, 2014—So I’ve been home for approximately thirty hours, meaning that I’ve had sufficient time to soak it all in and start what is sure to be a long three and a half months pining for school to reopen (yes, I am completely serious, and yes, if you had told me I would feel this way two years ago I would have laughed in your face). Fortunately for you guys, I’ve decided to channel this longing into something productive (if you told me that a week ago when I was holed up in a study carrel in Stevenson, I also would’ve laughed in your face), and have come up with the three things I miss about being at school:
The Finals Week Experience (and What Happens After)
May. 2, 2014—A review of my finals week and the "vacation" I've enjoyed in Nashville since they ended!
“Meat” Ya in Centennial Park
Apr. 28, 2014—My favorite thing about today was that whenever someone asked me, "What have you been up to?", I got to respond with, "I went to a MEAT festival." They would stare at me blankly as if I'd said something so wrong. Or maybe just something SO RIGHT.
The Best Music You’ve Never Heard Of
Apr. 22, 2014—Heather rants and raves about her new job as Events Coordinator at WRVU, the hippest radio station around.
I Scream For Ice Cream
Apr. 21, 2014—Free ice cream and good causes? That's my kinda party!
There’s No Place Like Nashville
Apr. 14, 2014—As if you need more incentive to come visit Vanderbilt and Nashville, here it is. A run-down of my last four days that have made me fall even more in love with Nashville.
For the Love of Science
Apr. 10, 2014—Vanderbilt Student Volunteers for Science is an organization that helps spread the love of science to elementary and middle school students in the larger Nashville community. While this initially looks like a philanthropic opportunity for science geeks, fear not! All you need to have is the willingness to serve younger students--the science stuff comes straight from the manual.
A little bit of France, A little bit of Pictionary
Apr. 10, 2014—My French professor hosted a dinner at her house! Pictionary was played. Hilarity ensued.