Housing Category
Registering From Abroad, Part 1: Housing
Apr. 24, 2013—When planning to go abroad for this semester, I was worried about lots of things. What do I pack? What will the other students be like? WIll I actually have free time to travel around Europe? How hard will my classes be? Am I going to catch my flights? But I can’t say that I...
On-Campus Housing
Mar. 31, 2013—This past Thursday I signed up for my dorm room for the upcoming school year.
It’s that anticipatory time of year!
Mar. 20, 2013—I have always been one of those students who loved planning. There's something comforting about sorting numerous subcategories into an overall compartmentalized unit. Or maybe I'm slightly OCD and Type A. ;) Regardless, now is the time of year where people like me get to excitedly plan out their summers, next year accommodations, and future classes...
Housing Options
Mar. 1, 2013—Housing applications begin right after spring break for everyone except the incoming class. While all the first years are automatically assigned to a house on Commons, everyone else gets the choice of where they want to live. Here are all of the options!
Admitted Admissions Advertisement
Feb. 22, 2013—Last week, Samantha and I braved a journey filled with questioning glances, outright staring, and much laughter as we traversed across campus accompanied by our fondly inanimate friends, the swivel chairs. How did such a bizarre occurrence come about?
The Commons Experience
Feb. 20, 2013—*Guest blog by new friend and hip-hop enthusiast Tom Majerus When I first arrived at Vanderbilt, I was struck by two things: how everyone seemed nervous and how everyone seemed eager. These seem to be the best two emotions to describe the first two weeks of college. I made friends faster than I ever had in my life, and every day I had new challenges facing me. This was my favorite aspect of living on The Commons, Vanderbilt’s freshmen living community; everyone experiences the same new things together.
Frozen Frolicking
Feb. 1, 2013—I've been waiting and waiting and WAITING for this day to come. It finally snowed! What was first frankly a few flurries flourished into a flutter of fantastic flakes, fitting for the frigid temperatures we have been facing in the last few days before February.
Sleepless in Nashville
Dec. 21, 2012—This is the first time all year that I haven't been able to sleep. I should temporarily join Insomniacs Anonymous. Did you know that you could be so well rested that it's a detriment to your sleep pattern? Good, neither did I, until now that is.
Dec. 18, 2012—Hello one, hello all! It has been a long time since I've posted. Not that I haven't been blogging... it was just a matter of actually publishing my drafts. Ah, well, now that this semester's over and I'm still at Vanderbilt, let me fill you in on a few things and explain why I'm still in warm-weather Nashville.