On-Campus Housing
This past Thursday I signed up for my dorm room for the upcoming school year. This year, I have been living in a Living Learning Community house called a Mayfield. I have a single room, but I live with nine other students, six that are boys and three that are girls. We decided not to renew the proposal for our project, so we are rooming in different dorms next semester.

Since I was in a Mayfield this past year, I was very unaware of the Housing application process. However, it is actually very simple! You apply for on-campus housing online, and then you can set up ballots for different dorms. I had three other friends from my first year dorm that wanted single rooms, so we created a ballot for single rooms in Cole Hall, a dorm on Alumni Lawn. Each of us has a single room, but we are all on the same hall. It will be nice to have my friends close by, but be able to go into my room when I need to focus on homework or just need a good night’s sleep.

At Vanderbilt, most students live on campus. Right now there are more students off campus than usual, because the university is constructing new housing. I hope to live in these awesome dorms my senior year, but for now I am very content with my housing for next year. The best part for me is the location. Rand Dining Hall and the Sarratt Student Center are about fifty steps from my dorm, and all my classes are less than three minutes away. I’m looking forward to convenient housing and an awesome junior year!