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Graduation: Thoughts and Feelings

Feb. 3, 2020—As a senior, I spend roughly half of my waking hours thinking about how much I’m going to miss Vanderbilt and how imminent graduation feels. I don’t think this is an uncommon sentiment among seniors, but I thought it would be nice to reflect a bit on my thoughts and feelings as my time at...

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Nov. 29, 2019—Probably one of my favorite things at Vanderbilt is that we get a week-long Thanksgiving Break! At this point in the semester, I know I’m almost on the verge of burning out and this break always comes at a much needed time to (mostly) relax for an entire week and spend time with family and...

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What to do when the Homesickness Hits

Oct. 30, 2019—Is it just me, or has this semester been simultaneously flying by and crawling at the same time? It’s crazy to think that we are already at week 11. More than two thirds of the way done with first semester. I’m not usually too homesick, but around this time of the semester I always get...

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Vanderbilt Parents’ Weekend

Sep. 24, 2019—The words “parent” and “college student” do not seem to have anything in common. One is responsible and one is broke. One gets sleep and one gets none. One vacuums and one rarely even makes the bed. However, Vanderbilt Parents’ Weekend is one of the most fun weekends of the year. It turns out, parents...

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Summer Plans

May. 3, 2019—I thought I’d talk a little bit about what I’m doing this summer since many of my fellow Inside ‘Dores bloggers have shared what they’re doing. As a music major, usually I would be off to some summer intensive music camp, but this year is a bit different. I haven’t actually been home for the...

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If you’ve decided what college you’re attending…

May. 1, 2019—Why a "Happy Monday" picture? Because Mondays are like the college process: seemingly stressful but then AWESOME. Post features things you could do if you wanted to now that you've DECIDED! applicable to any college :)

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My Plans for the Summer

Apr. 28, 2019—Now that the year is winding down, and finals season is coming to a slow end, I’ve pretty much figured out my plans for the summer. Unfortunately, they’re not very exciting, nor are they terribly unique. But, here they are:   1. Taking Organic Chemistry at a local university. Rather than taking Gen Chem with...

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Summer 2019 Plans

Mar. 25, 2019—If you’ve been following this blog for a while, you’ll know that I post updates each year on how I’m planning to spend my summer break. This year is a bit different. I still have some plans, but after three years of hard work, my main plan for the summer is to REST. With the...

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Keeping in Touch with Friends Back Home

Mar. 12, 2019—The absolute best part about breaks is being able to go home and spend time with all of my friends that I grew up with. I remember when I first got into Vanderbilt, I was really worried about how I would maintain all of my friendships in Ohio. And yeah, I know we have texting,...

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What I’ve Been Up To

Mar. 3, 2019—Happy March Everyone! I’m home for spring break for the week, and it will be nice to relax, spend time with family/friends, and binge on the latest TV shows for a while. That said, I do still have to work on a research paper for my first year writing seminar; luckily, though, I’m writing about a...

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