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Blair School of Music Category

Last Semester of Undergrad!

Jan. 6, 2020—I cannot believe it’s my last semester at Vandy! Many people usually have a pretty free second semester as a senior, but I still have a packed schedule. As a Music Performance Major, there are many requirements I have to fulfill every semester, which limits the number of classes I can take outside of music...

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Looking Ahead in 2020

Jan. 2, 2020—I can’t believe next spring will be my last semester at Vanderbilt!! Time has really flown by and it’s bittersweet that I have to say goodbye to Vanderbilt and Nashville in May. I’m trying to make most of my last semester, so here are several events in the spring that I am super excited for:...

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Fave Study Spots

Dec. 26, 2019—Throughout my time at Vanderbilt, I have experimented with finding the best places to study. I am an easily distracted person, so studying in my room has proved to be pretty unproductive if I really need to get work done. I’ve compiled a list of places on or around campus that have been my favorite...

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Application Advice + Why Vandy

Dec. 26, 2019—Hope everyone has been having a wonderful holiday season! Since it’s almost the deadline for Early Decision II and Regular Decisions, here are two last-minute application advice/advice during the waiting game that I believed helped me in the application process, and also my reasons for choosing Vanderbilt. 1. Be genuine and be yourself. This may...

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A Day in My Life

Nov. 29, 2019—I hope everyone has been having a restful Thanksgiving! Vanderbilt students are lucky and we have had this entire week off (a much needed break from school). Despite it being my senior year, my schedule has still been packed, so before this semester ends, I’d like to share a general overview of how my week...

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“They Answer I Present”: Why Vanderbilt (Part 3)

Oct. 17, 2019—The question of “Why Vanderbilt” has been on the back of my mind during my years at Vanderbilt. My academic advisor also asked me this question the first time we met. Then, when I was learning Japanese grammar to give reasons—〜ので、~んです、〜から—I made sample sentences that answered the question. More recently, when applying to write for...

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What my Sophomore year classes look like

Sep. 4, 2019—It’s a new year I’m very excited about what my classes this semester have in store for me. I will be taking the following classes: SOC 1020: Contemporary Social Issues (Health and Society) I was pretty excited to take this class and so far, I’m having a great time. This is a Sociology class that...

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Fall Semester Senior Year Schedule

Sep. 1, 2019—Happy September everyone! Can’t believe August is already over, but I can’t wait for the weather to cool down and for the leaves to change color for the fall! In other news, I can’t believe that I’m a senior…Time seems to fly by faster with every year and I’m honestly a little sad that this...

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A Day in the Life of a Blair student

Mar. 26, 2019—I’ve recently been receiving many questions about how I balance my life as a music major interested in other subjects. Since it’s the time of the year when regular admissions decisions are released, I thought I’d describe my schedule to give a taste of what a typical day looks like. As I’ve mentioned in my...

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Blair Life: ft. orchestra

Jan. 31, 2019—A big part of the music major life is participating in one of Blair’s large ensembles, orchestra and wind symphony. As a cello performance major, I am required to play in orchestra every semester and it has been such a wonderful experience to perform masterpieces written by the greatest composers of all time. Tonight, the...

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