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So Nashville: Full Moon Pickin’ Party

Sep. 8, 2014—The finest bluegrass in all the land is found under the full moon. Yes indeed, a pure Tennessee treasure is the Pickin' Party, held in the summer moonlight at the Percy Warner Park.

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Christian Organizations Exist at Vanderbilt!

Aug. 30, 2014—Check out these Christian organizations!

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Social Media Loves Me

Aug. 18, 2014—Boy, was it fun moving in all the first-years at Commons on Saturday, though I'm sniffing a bit because that was my last time helping to move-in the freshies.

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The Kent/Blossom Music Festival

Aug. 17, 2014—Located in the little town of Kent, OH, the Kent/Blossom Music Festival is where I spent the last couple of weeks. Each morning, I’ll wake up, maybe go on a run or read or practice a little (or if I actually wake up early enough, all three!), and by 9:30, I’ll settle into a classroom...

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5 Things That I Will Not Regret Doing In College

Jul. 16, 2014—Oh dear. I'm going to be a senior this year. How did I get so old so fast? Move-in day is still so fresh in my mind- most likely because I do it every year- but boy, did the past three years go by quickly. Say, did you just ask for advice, young ones? Here you go:

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Holler Out to Houston

Jul. 12, 2014—It was only a twenty-one hour bus trip to Houston. As you know from previous posts and from Humans of New York, Dmitri always has to travel with me. We made it through the journey by napping most of the ride.

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The Nash Bash

Jun. 29, 2014—Upon arriving back home in the States, my friend M. picked me up and we drove back to her quaint summer home. Boy, was my body was grateful for horizontal sleeping surfaces after flying back from Switzerland!

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Meeting the Royals: Switzerland Maymester

Jun. 24, 2014—This glorified vacation in Switzerland flew by much to quickly. In the last week or so, we paid a visit to a goat farm and met the princess of Liechtenstein. Really.

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Hiking through the Fralps: Switzerland Maymester

Jun. 2, 2014—During this Maymester, we traversed through not only the German-speaking, Italian-speaking, and French-speaking parts of Switzerland, but we also rode a train up to Chamonix, France, where we spent a few glorious days in that most idyllic town.

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Just Another Day in the Office: Switzerland Maymester

May. 25, 2014—Hello dear friends! I am writing to you from the Monte Verita hotel in Ascona, Switzerland. Today, we learned about the potpourri of greats who visited this same mountain for the purposes of fleeing the confinements of general society while simultaneously seeking inspiration for new ways of living and learning about the relationship between the self and the world. Marsha taught us about modern dance from the Laban method, so we danced an impromptu movement choir in an empty swimming pool. Then we hiked for perhaps five hours, during which time, we visited a goat farm, sampled some of that farm's handcrafted cheeses and sausages, played with the baby goats and cooed at a few ducklings, and were visually astonished by the view at every clearing. Just a typical day in the life of a Switzerland Maymester student.

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