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The Good Life Series: Part 1 (The Lies Cicadas Tell You)

Aug. 7, 2011—I’d like to make an apology upfront for leaving you in the dark about what I’ve been doing this summer. Forgive me? Hopefully you did because I’m about to catch you up to speed. This “Good Life Series” is going to be a blog series in which I talk about the awesome, incredible people I’ve...

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Empire State of Mind (New York)

Apr. 12, 2011—New York, concrete jungle where dreams are made of/ There’s nothin’ you can’t do/ Now you’re in New York/ These streets will make you feel brand new/ Big lights will inspire you/ Let’s hear it for New York, New York, New York This the chorus of a song you most likely know, “Empire State of Mind”...

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There’s no such thing as “easing”

Mar. 17, 2011—I hope everyone had or is having a fantastic Spring Break. I went to Washington D.C. for a week as a part of an Alternative Spring Break program, ASB Help! While there we serviced the homeless community at Father McKenna Center at St. Aloysius Catholic Church. During the last two days of the trip, I...

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“Five-year-old-habits” die hard

Feb. 18, 2011—Remember how simple life was when we were five? Wake up, go to school, play, eat lunch, tap a nap (oh, how I miss naps), eat again, play, go home, repeat. It was a simple life, an easy life, but now things are a little bit more complicated.

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Oh, this has gotta be the good life/

Feb. 1, 2011—I have 2 jobs and I’m taking 18hrs worth of classes this semester, so to say that I may feel a little stressed at times would be an understatement. Whenever someone asks me a question that causes me to yield this information I get the “oh-my-gosh-how-are-you-still-alive?!” gasp, the “I’m-in-the-same-boat-hang-in-there” empathetic shoulder pat, and, my favorite,...

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Jan. 20, 2011—Yesterday evening, the Vanderbilt Athletic Department and Vandy Fanatics held their biggest event of the year, Memorial Madness, an annual basketball pep rally that ushers in the start of the SEC season. With the promise of the company of close friends, free pizza, jersey/ticket give-aways, prize drawings, the chance to win $10,000 upon successfully landing...

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