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It’s Beginning to Look a LOT Like Spring Time!

Mar. 16, 2013—I cannot WAIT to tell you all about my Spring Break, but I am still waiting on a few pictures so just expect it in the near future. Until then, let me just say that it is DEFINITELY beginning to look a lot like spring time here at Vanderbilt!

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Life as I know it.

Feb. 12, 2013—Well, it’s been quite some time since you all have heard from me. This post aims to serve two purposes: 1. to prove that I have not, in fact, fallen off the face of the earth, and 2. give you a glimpse of my life as a second semester junior. My heart skipped a beat...

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Almost doooooooone

Dec. 14, 2012—It’s been half of day stuffed with studying because I slept in (oops) due to the late night movie. It was totally worth it, though. The Middle Earth definitely did not disappoint, for those of you who were twiddling your thumbs waiting for my review.

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Heading to the Shire! brb

Dec. 13, 2012—That’s right, folks. Finals week is, in fact, upon us. My schedule for the past 5 days has literally been: Wake up. Put on sweats. Go to the library. Eat and study. Study study study study. Eat. Study. Return from the library. Sleep. Rinse and repeat as needed. (5 days)

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Homeward Bound!

Nov. 16, 2012—It is, in fact, time for Thanksgiving Break, which is a week long for Vanderbilt! You read correctly. 1 week. So pumped.

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Baahston Part 2 (better late than never)

Nov. 16, 2012—A few posts ago, I gave you the low down on my Fall Break adventures in Boston. However, I only divulged half the story. So as promised, here’s the other half. Please just consider this as fashionably late.

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A Commodore Victory!

Oct. 20, 2012—Hello again from one of the biggest Commodore fans you’ll meet :) As I mentioned in my last post, this Saturday our boys took on Auburn in what was a very exciting game!!

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Oct. 15, 2012—That little star in the title? That was me at the football game Saturday night when we took on the Florida Gators. The other four letters were some of my favorite people painted up alongside me!

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Baahston: Part 1

Oct. 13, 2012—I’m 1 week out from Fall Break, and I’m really not quite sure what the proper turnaround time is for a blog post from the time the event actually happened, but this was too fun of a trip for me not to share with the world, so please prepare for awesomeness.

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Time for a break!

Oct. 3, 2012—This has been, by far, one of my busiest semesters here at Vandy, but I love everything I’m involved in too much to complain. 

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