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The Ultimate List of Move-In Life Hacks for Future First-Years

Aug. 13, 2019—Only a couple more days ’til First Year Move-In!!! I hope all of you are as excited as I am :) As I’m starting to gather all of my stuff in preparation for my own move-in, the stress and pressure that I felt in the week leading up to that first day as a Commons...

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How I Met My Friends Freshman Year (and how you can meet yours, too!)

Jul. 27, 2019—Before arriving at Vanderbilt, I remember being super stressed about how I’d find ‘my people.’ I already had a roommate lined up, but would we be best friends? What if she was my only friend? Would I even be able to fit in with the stereotypical Vandy student?! Of course, all those concerns flew out...

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The Ultimate List of Life Hacks for Future First-Years

May. 30, 2019—A quick update on my life right now: After a long and much-needed respite from schoolwork, stress, exams, and papers–pretty much everything, really–I’m BACK on Vanderbilt’s campus to be a counselor at Camp Vandy, which is a summer program for elementary-age kids put on by the Rec. The best part is that I get to...

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Multiculturalism in College

May. 28, 2019—Hello hello, Inside ‘Dores readers! In this post, I’m going to talk about one of my favorite things about coming to college: multiculturalism and religious diversity! I’m a cradle Catholic, so when I came to Vanderbilt, I knew that I was going to attend Catholic masses and be involved in UCat (the Catholic community made...

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Volunteering at Vanderbilt

Apr. 18, 2019—Hi, everyone! Today I wanted to talk (write?) a little about the amazing volunteer opportunities I’ve taken advantage of here at Vanderbilt. As prospective students, I’m sure y’all have had a ton of volunteer experience in high school and want to try to incorporate that into your college lifestyle. I know that I sure did!...

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Why Peabody?

Mar. 24, 2019—“What’s the deal with Peabody?” “How manageable is your course load?” “Are all Peabody students future teachers?” Being a ‘Dore for a Day host and a writer for this blog, I get asked these sorts of questions a lot. So I’m here to answer some of them for you guys! Peabody is one of my...

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Dealing with Rejection at Vanderbilt

Feb. 17, 2019—  As a prospective student at Vanderbilt (or even someone who’s been here awhile), it can often seem as if everyone here is perfect: amazing grades, leadership roles in many different organizations, and successful in almost everything they do. Some people, myself included, have even come to expect favorable outcomes because we haven’t had to...

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Need a Lifestyle Change? Here Are Some Resolutions for Second Semester

Jan. 14, 2019—I remember August 18th, 2018 like it was yesterday. It was Move-in Day for the Class of 2022, and arguably one of the most exciting–and nerve-wracking–days of my life so far. Thankfully, I’d soon come to find out that almost everyone felt the same trepidation as I did. Over the course of my first semester,...

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