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Zoë Browne ’20

Hello everyone!

My name is Zoë Browne. I’m from a small, cozy town called Westerville, Ohio. Don’t worry if you’ve never heard of it before; no one has! It’s your typical sleepy town where everyone pretty much knows everyone else, and our idea of a good time is hanging out late to go to one of our numerous 24-hour ice cream parlors! While I love home, Nashville has been an exciting and fun change of pace!

I’m a junior here at Vanderbilt, studying Special Education and Child Development. When I’m not spending my time working with adorable children; either on campus or off, you can find me at Voices of Praise (VOP) dance practice, going to the football games, or hanging out around campus with my roommates or sorority sisters.

Please feel free to email me at if you have any questions at all about Vanderbilt, Nashville, or the college applications in general! I’m always happy to help!

Anchor Down and Go ‘Dores!

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