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Senior Year Begins

Posted by on Monday, September 2, 2019 in Academics, College Life, environment, Football, Student Life.

Hi! Welcome back! I hope everyone enjoyed their summer vacations. If you’re anything like me, you’re probably feeling like summer was way too short. I swear it feels like we never left! But anyway, we’re here, we’re back, and we are full swing back into classes. I don’t know about you guys, but all of my professors decided to dive right in this semester! Syllabus day? Yeah no, more like “syllabus five minutes”.

A look at my first week full week of classes. Minus the readings.

But it’s all good! I’m positive that this will be a great semester! There is already so much going on around campus- all the welcome back events, GBMs for different orgs, auditions, and the first football game! I’m already struggling to keep up! I have eaten more than my fair share of free food and have added at least three more t-shirts to my “free shirts from Vandy” collection.

Remember when we played Georgia and the stadium was filled with red?


Anyway, all this goes to say that while the first week may have been a lot and summer may have been a little short, there are so many wonderful things going on around campus that it really is hard to be upset about being back. Vanderbilt really does spoil us. Megan Thee Stallion for Quake?! Spoiled! Whether your first week of classes started off as mine, or you were able to ease in a little bit, I’m sure we were all feeling a little bit of the first week of class jitters, but I also know that it sure feels good to be home. Anchor Down!


Anchor Down!


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