Xuanxuan Chen ’21
你好! Hello! Bonjour! こんにちは!
My name is Xuanxuan. I am from Nanjing, China. Besides my hometown, I had also lived in California and Virginia before coming to Nashville. I am a junior in the College of Arts and Sciences and major in Asian Studies. I am a language enthusiast studying Japanese and French.
At Vanderbilt, I am involved in Her Campus Vanderbilt, Alzheimer’s Buddies, and language events. I love watching movies, writing prose and poems in multiple languages, strolling in our beautiful campus, and exploring food in Nashville!
Please feel free to contact me at xuanxuan.chen@vanderbilt.edu to say hello (and/or its equivalent in your languages) and to ask questions about Vanderbilt, language learning, and college life.
Please click here to access all my posts. 感谢。Thank you. Merci. ありがとうございます。