Dec. 23, 2015—A lot of you can probably relate to this, but studying for finals was never really a concern in high school. I was always pretty certain about the grade I’d receive, but in college it’s definitely more difficult to get the grade I want. Also, the most annoying thing was finding out that an A-...
The Five People You Meet During Finals
Dec. 18, 2015—And yes, those are my mechanism-covered whiteboards. I’m very proud of them. They helped me get a good grade in Orgo this semester, although I think they’re less Beautiful Mind and more like that scene in 21 Jump Street where Channing Tatum draws 4s all over the board in his Chemistry class
Tune In Tuesday
Nov. 16, 2015—Students incorporating their interests of music and their desire to relax into an alternative study break!
Best (Convenient) Off Campus Study Spots
Oct. 27, 2015—As a Vanderbilt student, there's always work to be done. As soon as one assignment is over, it's on to the next one. However, that doesn't mean you can't mix it up and give yourself a change of scenery. Check out some of my favorite off campus study spots to camp out for the day and get work done.
One Big High: Work Hard, Play Hard
Oct. 11, 2015—My family would often play a game called High-Low. If you haven’t heard of it, what you do is go around and have everyone says his or her “high,” best part of the day and “low,” worst part of the day. Well, my low for the weekend was that at the concert I went to...
Rose, Thorn, Bud
Dec. 26, 2014—Well, Christmas is over. As I lay in my bed, struck with food paralysis from too much honey-baked ham, I began to indulge myself in memories of the bumpy ride of my first semester at Vandy. I was also looking forward to a new and possibly smoother ride next semester, now that I’m starting to...
Confession: Finals Week is My Favorite
Dec. 12, 2014—Now don't go yelling at me just yet. Hear me out. I dislike taking finals as much as the next yahoo, but I can't get enough of finals week itself. Imagine a time when all of your friends are close by, study breaks are many and encouraged, and the parade of coffee, desserts, and junk food is endless. Welcome to finals week.
The Five Stages of Finals
Dec. 10, 2014—You may have heard about the different stages of grief. Here are my stages for Finals week.
Editor’s Note:
Mar. 17, 2014—Where I attempt to fill you in on the following: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness/endless extracurricular involvement. Plus, some big Inside 'Dores news!