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Is Organic Chemistry Really That Hard?

Feb. 15, 2021—I was nervous for organic chemistry since senior year of high school…before I was even accepted to Vanderbilt. I heard it from family members, teachers, TV shows, and who knows where else that orgo was THE defining premed class that was going to make it or break it for me. I didn’t even know what...

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The Premed Exam Cycle

Nov. 18, 2020—When I think back on my 2.5 years at Vanderbilt, it can be described rather simply. Freshman year: general chemistry week, calculus week, free week, repeat Sophomore year: organic chemistry week, biology week, free week, repeat Junior year: biochemistry week, physics week, free week, repeat   I’d be willing to bet if I asked around,...

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Learning to Love Your GPA

Jan. 6, 2020—Vanderbilt is naturally full of high achieving students. To even be accepted to Vanderbilt means that you were probably at the top of your class in high school, and maybe even had a 4.0 GPA. I know that for me, high school was never particularly challenging, and I wasn’t studying for hours on end. I...

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Fave Study Spots

Dec. 26, 2019—Throughout my time at Vanderbilt, I have experimented with finding the best places to study. I am an easily distracted person, so studying in my room has proved to be pretty unproductive if I really need to get work done. I’ve compiled a list of places on or around campus that have been my favorite...

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Done with finals!

Dec. 14, 2019—My penultimate finals season is officially over! This was one of the most chill finals seasons I’ve had, but it sure feels nice to be relaxing at home now instead of having to worry about school for a few weeks. I thoroughly enjoyed my last fall semester at Vandy and I’m looking forward to next...

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10 Things I Learned Freshman Year

May. 31, 2019—Now that I’m home and all my belongings have been unpacked (I know, you’re probably thinking ‘what took you so long to unpack?’ – let me tell you, unpacking is my biggest enemy), I can officially say that my first year of college is complete. Done. Finished. OVER.   That’s quite a scary thought to...

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The Wond’ry: Another Exciting Study Spot

Mar. 23, 2019—Over spring break, I decided to spend the rest of second semester scouting out possible study spots on campus. I took on this project both to alleviate the sense of utter boredom that now associated itself with studying as well as to gift sophomore-year me with a set of new locations to carry out that...

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Updates on My Research Project

Jan. 21, 2019—If you have been following my blog for a while, you will know that a major component of my Vanderbilt experience has been undergraduate research in a neuroscience laboratory. I am one of several undergraduates that do research in my lab, and it has been a really cool experience throughout the last couple of years....

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Reflections on My First College Exam

Jan. 17, 2019—The college application process is stressful (that’s pretty much an accepted fact). The one aspect of college admissions that stressed me out especially was testing. In the months that I carefully and meticulously planned out my application, wrote out essays, sought out recommenders, and met with high school advisors, the idea of having to take...

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Plans for Next Semester

Dec. 28, 2018—Winter break is almost over and I’ve gotten some much needed sleep! I’ve also had time to reflect on my first semester at Vanderbilt and I’m surprised at how much I’ve grown and improved in many areas of my life. I’ve also realized that there’s a lot of room for improvement especially in my studying...

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