The Premed Exam Cycle
Nov. 18, 2020—When I think back on my 2.5 years at Vanderbilt, it can be described rather simply. Freshman year: general chemistry week, calculus week, free week, repeat Sophomore year: organic chemistry week, biology week, free week, repeat Junior year: biochemistry week, physics week, free week, repeat I’d be willing to bet if I asked around,...
5 College Study Tips
Jan. 22, 2020—Vanderbilt is a great place but can be difficult at times, just like any other university. I am now a junior and have learned valuable study tips throughout my time at Vanderbilt. Here are my top 5 study tips for an incoming freshman: Get a planner. In high school, I wrote everything down on my phone...
Surviving Finals – Reserving Library Rooms
Apr. 30, 2019—Finals season is here, which means that the library and every study spot will be a lot more crowded than usual. One of my favorite parts of going to a small school is that you can always find a place to study, even during the most popular times of the year. One of the best...
Free Food & Finals
Apr. 18, 2019—With all of the stress of finals approaching, it is easy to get overwhelmed with everything happening. However, Vanderbilt does a great job of keeping students encouraged and motivated during this time of year! Here are a couple of the destress events that Vanderbilt is offering during this finals season! Stress Less Spring Fest This...
Spring is here… for a few days
Apr. 3, 2019—The end of the year brings a tidal wave of quizzes, exams, and events, especially in the Spring semester. Many students organizations are rushing to host their big events for the year. Many students are searching for summer internships or jobs as the school year closes. It can feel like there is not a moment...
As Finals Season Approaches…
Mar. 26, 2019—It’s 8:50 am. You’re shoving your books into your book bag while thinking of the GenChem test you have next week and the 2000-word essay due in three days that you still need to write. As you leave your room, you remember that your student org has a mandatory meeting tonight and you groan at...
7 Days of Blogging: The Best Ways To Destress During Finals
Nov. 20, 2017—While Thanksgiving break is far from over, I will admit that my mind has been on the finals I’ll have to take before coming home at the end of the semester. However, while it is easy for college students to get too focused on exams to prioritize their sleep, friendships, and overall wellbeing, my goal...
How To Manage Stress Effectively
Apr. 4, 2017—It’s that time of year again. Finals are in a few weeks, professors are holding midterm after midterm, and upcoming recitals and concerts require hours of rehearsal. There are papers to write, applications to submit, and juries to practice for. At times like this, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. As such, I thought it’d be helpful to share...
So You Think You Can Relax?
Nov. 20, 2016—College is stressful, we all know that, but sometimes you have to unwind. Here are some ways I've done exactly that!
Balancing Your Break!
Nov. 16, 2016—With Thanksgiving Break rapidly approaching (woohoo!!), I’m torn between wanting to use my free time to work ahead on assignments and wanting to relax and catch up with friends and family. On one hand, finals are about to get crazy, and I have three papers due when I get back from break! On the other,...