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What my Sophomore year classes look like

Sep. 4, 2019—It’s a new year I’m very excited about what my classes this semester have in store for me. I will be taking the following classes: SOC 1020: Contemporary Social Issues (Health and Society) I was pretty excited to take this class and so far, I’m having a great time. This is a Sociology class that...

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Another Update on Me

Mar. 6, 2018—2018 has definitely started off as a very busy but exciting year! This is my first full semester as a Medicine, Health, and Society (MHS) major, which basically means that I had priority in choosing MHS classes this semester. Currently, my concentration for my major is in Global Health, and I can’t wait to see...

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7 Days of Blogging: Fall 2017 Class Recap

Nov. 18, 2017—Happy (almost) Thanksgiving everyone! Partially as an exercise in gratitude and partially because I have an abundant amount of free time being home this week, I’m going to write one blog post a day for the next week in honor of my favorite place: Vandy! Before I start looking forward, I thought I’d take a...

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Back in the Swing of Things

Sep. 2, 2017—We’ve only been on campus for 2 weeks, but it feels like forever. I don’t mean that as a bad thing. It’s an awesome thing to feel as if you’ve never quite left somewhere. For me, this means somewhere is like home. And definitely, coming back to Vandy as a sophomore feels like coming home,...

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Sophomore Year: some pre-thoughts

Aug. 13, 2017—Preparing to return to campus this fall as a sophomore is kind of a different feeling from how it was last year, as a freshman. This time, I’m flying to Nashville on my own and moving myself in without the help of my parents. Unlike last year’s random roommates, I know exactly who I’ll be...

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Nov. 28, 2014—A brief post detailing why I am so thankful during this lovely week of Thanksgiving. Hint: most of it is Vanderbilt. Also, please note that I do not liberally use hashtags. Thanks.

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Chin Up, Anchor Down

Sep. 17, 2013—Luckily I have yet to succumb to the sophomore slump, and looking back at the last month or so, I actually could not be happier to be back in this place of intellectual and social vitality, where racial appropriation in the latest pop music video is typical breakfast conversation, and long nights are trekked in...

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Hello, blogging world.

Sep. 3, 2012—This isn't my first time writing a blog post, and yet I'm still pretty nervous about it. Maybe it's because I know that there will definitely be at least SOMEONE reading this very post (fellow Inside 'Dores writers?)... And since I'll be blogging for the Insides 'Dores for a while, I thought it would be nice to at least introduce myself a bit and let you know what kind of person this new blogger is.

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First Day Back (again)

Jan. 9, 2012—It’s Monday (January 9th) night, and Vandy’s first day of classes is over. Coming back was bittersweet: Bitter because I’m leaving behind all the things I love about home like sleeping in and all the important people! Sweet, though, because I got to see friends I’ve missed a whole bunch for the past month, and...

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