First and foremost, let me reiterate: I’M SO NOT A HASHTAG PERSON. So obviously this title means a lot. Let me explain.
So in September, I updated my Inside Dores blogger bio to reflect the fact that I am no longer a first-year student living in East, and I’m still a little bummed. I miss Commons and my lovely dorm-mates. I also miss being able to tag all of my blog posts “Freshman Life” and “Commons,” but c’est la vie. And as I’ve had the chance to learn and reflect over the last few months, being a sophomore is pretty great too.

I live on Branscomb Quad now, so I am much closer to Rand, to my classes on main campus (as opposed to ambling from Commons) and to West End Ave. While I miss the Hillsboro Village area and my lovely walks from Commons, it’s awesome to get to be a little closer to a different area of Nashville. Don’t worry, I’ve still made a few Fido/Sweet Cece’s trips to Hillsboro this year, and, as this map shows, I’m only a ten-minute walk from Commons now. Vandy’s campus is spacious, but the farthest walk is probably only about fifteen minutes if you’re walking relatively quickly.

Sophomore year has been so busy with research, classes, organizations, sorority events, friends and the incredible amount of campus events here at Vandy (more specific posts to follow), but far from being a year for a “sophomore slump,” as many people from home forewarned me, this semester has been successful and so fun! I’ve made a point to meet new people but keep up with my friends from last year, get more involved and study hard—so it’s definitely been challenging. But this year has been even better than the last so far, and I can’t emphasize enough how much I love Vandy.
Sorry, this is super cliché, but I swear it’s 100% true. Yesterday being Thanksgiving and all, my family members were each rattling off things they were thankful for and my friends and life at Vanderbilt was at the top of my list. So I’m home until Sunday when I fly back home to Nashville to finish out what has already been an amazing semester. Happy holiday season to y’all, and ANCHOR DOWN TOMORROW TO BEAT UT. Peace and blessings and all that jazz.