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Registration Woes

Apr. 15, 2013—I can't really complain about registration since I'm a rising senior, and we get the best registration days. I can, however, complain about the fact that I am a rising senior, and last week I registered for classes for the second-to-last time. And I panicked about classes for the second-to-last time. I feel old.

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My 4 Sides of Greek Life

Jan. 31, 2011—A few weeks ago Erica and Eileen gave you a good idea of what the decision to go Greek or not is like for a freshman at Vanderbilt. However, as a senior who has literally been on all sides of the system, I thought I would share some my experiences with you also. Read on...

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My 18 Thanksgivings

Nov. 18, 2010—Woah it got cold fast in Nashville! It was 75 last week, and now I’m in a sweater and boots! The Holiday season is among us… It is also the season of eating, eating a lot! During this past week I think I have had, or at least had the opportunity to have about 18...

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Senior Year Begins with a Jump into the “Real World”

Sep. 7, 2010—Well… it’s happened… I have officially started my senior, and last, year at Vanderbilt University. Is it a bad thing that I was (and still am) extremely jealous of the freshman moving into their dorms a few weeks ago? Is it bad that I didn’t want everyone to come back to campus from their summer...

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1 More Year…

Apr. 26, 2010—I would like to expand on Seth’s point in his most recent post, asking the question, “Are we done already???” And would like to emphasize how much it is freaking me out too! Seth… just you wait… its going to start going by faster and faster and FASTER and before you know it, you will...

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