Practicing For My Future Practice
May. 27, 2013—For the first time, I am writing an Inside Dores blog post from the comfort of my own bedroom in Geneva, Switzerland. :) I wanted to update everyone on my plans for the next couple of weeks, and how they all got started at Vanderbilt…
Chin Up
May. 3, 2013—So this is it. Overweight suitcases and hastily stuffed duffel bags line the hallway. Parents scurry around, last minute packing ensues. Someone inevitably loses a something – a room key, a microwave, a Kindle. It’s all quite cacophonic, but a singular bleakness pervades the air. As the freshmen – or should I say the rising...
Registration Woes
Apr. 15, 2013—I can't really complain about registration since I'm a rising senior, and we get the best registration days. I can, however, complain about the fact that I am a rising senior, and last week I registered for classes for the second-to-last time. And I panicked about classes for the second-to-last time. I feel old.
It’s that anticipatory time of year!
Mar. 20, 2013—I have always been one of those students who loved planning. There's something comforting about sorting numerous subcategories into an overall compartmentalized unit. Or maybe I'm slightly OCD and Type A. ;) Regardless, now is the time of year where people like me get to excitedly plan out their summers, next year accommodations, and future classes...
A Nashville Spring Break
Mar. 15, 2013—Most people leave campus for spring break and as such have epic tales of lands far away to blog about. I am here, though, to tell you all that spring break in Nashville can be fun! If you're an international student or don't have the money to travel, there's plenty to do...
Valentine’s Day
Feb. 16, 2013—This past week was tech week on VUT’s new show, the Good Person of Sezuan, so I was insanely busy. That still was not able to stop me from finding time to celebrate one of my favorite holidays—Valentine’s Day!
High Poverty Youth Class
Dec. 17, 2012—This semester I chose to take an Peabody HOD class called High Poverty Youth. This class focused on the difficulties of living in poverty, and how society could address it. Since it is a Peabody course, there was also an emphasis on teaching these students and making sure that your classroom is accommodating to the...
The life of a Peabody student during finals week
Dec. 13, 2012—Vanderbilt has an intriguing finals atmosphere: students meander around on 0-2 hours of sleep per night, moving from a test to the library and just maybe stopping for coffee in between. When you're a Peabody student, however, your life tends to be a bit different come finals week.
Vanderbilt Undergrad Research, and You Can Too!
Dec. 13, 2012—Research isn't just for chemistry majors and people in white lab coats. If an HOD major who doesn't have her life figured out yet can do it, anyone can.