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‘Office of Active Citizenship and Service’

Volunteering at Vanderbilt

Apr. 18, 2019—Hi, everyone! Today I wanted to talk (write?) a little about the amazing volunteer opportunities I’ve taken advantage of here at Vanderbilt. As prospective students, I’m sure y’all have had a ton of volunteer experience in high school and want to try to incorporate that into your college lifestyle. I know that I sure did!...

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Student Orgs for Days

Nov. 7, 2015—“College XYZ has over 300 student-run clubs and organizations. If you can’t find one that you like, you can start your own!” If you’re a high school senior, you’ve probably heard some form of this declaration way too many times during an info session or campus tour. Colleges love to talk about how involved their...

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Just Another Manic Monday

Dec. 19, 2014—Experience the exciting conclusion to a day of the week that is mondane but certainly not mundane!

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Ethical, Service-Oriented, and Supportive Leadership

Oct. 23, 2014—The first three sessions of EVOLVE covered accountability, collaboration, and communication, and the last three session of EVOLVE covered ethics and values, servant leadership, and identity and inclusivity. A Leader is Ethical Ethics, which we defined as standards of conduct based on socially-accepted values, are necessary to promote productive functioning and well-being of groups/societies (OSLD)....

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SOUTH AFRICA {an acrostic}

Sep. 9, 2014—olving problems was never the goal. I understood from the beginning that the parallels between our own great nation and the southern-most tip of Africa were strong enough that if I wanted to tackle the issues of poverty, community health, civil rights, or education, I needn’t look farther than my own ZIP code. No, it...

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Into Africa

Jul. 17, 2014—With just a month of summer left, it's past time for me to update the Vanderbilt community about the adventures I've had so far, including working at The Party and flying to South Africa!

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