‘new york city’
My Winter Break
Jan. 6, 2018—Our Winter break is about three weeks long, depending on when you finish your exams. Christmas break is always a great time to relax after a busy semester. I use this time to catch up on sleep, tv shows that I’ve missed, and to indulge in home-cooked meals. Here’s a summary of what I did...
Above the Mason-Dixon Line: Part 1
Sep. 30, 2014—This past weekend, I did something I have never done in my life. I walked in new waters. Waters above the Mason-Dixon line. I entered the North: an eye-opening experience. Now you’re wondering, why did I spend a weekend up in the north? Well, I was invited with two other guys to attend the National...
A Real-ly Simple Summer
Jun. 3, 2014—The last time I checked in, I was moping around Hinsdale pining for school a measly thirty hours after I arrived back home, but those days have come and finally gone! Last weekend I made moves across the country (no, really, I moved) to the one and only NEW YORK CITY!
Meeting Stephen Colbert, and more!
Jul. 3, 2013—The Colbert Report, a visit from my brother, Pride, and more!
Back in the USA
Jun. 19, 2013—Hello faithful followers, It has surely been a while since my last post, but I have made it back to the United States safe and sound. I left Edinburgh on the 25th of May (sad face), and since then have moved into my summer apartment and started interning in New York City. Leaving Edinburgh, and...
Fall Break Fun in NYC!
Oct. 8, 2012—Fall break was this past weekend and I was so excited to be able to travel to New York City for the first time to spend time with my dad.
From Music City to the Big Apple
Oct. 2, 2012—This summer I spent my time commuting and working in New York City!