Meeting Stephen Colbert, and more!
Hello everyone!
I hope everyone’s summer is going well! Since my last post, a few exciting things have happened here in the big apple!
About two or so weeks ago, one of my best Vandy friends (who I met working at admissions) and I headed to the filming of The Colbert Report! Stephen Colbert is a political satirist who host his own comedic political show. Not only did we get to watch the filming of the show (which was seriously one of the coolest things EVER), my friend and I also got a back-stage tour of the set from some of the producers. Wait, I am not finished. I got to meet Mr. Colbert(!!!!). As a fan of the show, and Mr. Colbert himself, it was a surreal experience.

My older brother Nick also came down to visit me last week. The second night he was here we made the treck from NYC to Jones Beach, Long Island to see one of my favorite bands Dave Matthews perform. Getting out to Long Island was a little bit of a hassle (subway, Long Island Railroad, and then a bus to the beach), but once we made it, the two hour treck suddenly became worth it. DMB played an amazing show, and my brother and I enjoyed it a lot. I think I have seen DMB perform a dozen or so times, but always back home at the Saratoga Performing Arts Center. I missed DMB at SPAC this year because I was still in Europe, but I am so happy I ended up seeing him perform at a new venue!

The next day my brother and I explored some of Brooklyn and lower Manhattan. We took the train to the first stop in Brooklyn to eat at the world famous Grimaldi’s Pizza. I had heard about Grimaldi’s from a few different friends, but never had made it there. When we walked in, the place was PACKED. I was shocked that we got a table right at noon. Nick and I scarffed down an amazing cheese pie, and as we headed out with full bellies, the line to get in was literally around the block.

After our pit stop at Grimaldi’s, Nick and I walked across the Brooklyn Bridge. It was a hot, but beautiful day outside, so the views from the bridge were amazing.

After the bridge dropped us off in Manhattan, we explored the South Street Sea Port area, the financial district, China Town, Little Italy, and SOHO. I had not been around these areas since my freshman year, so it was great to see all of the awesome things, new and old, these areas have to offer.
Pride was this past weekend in NYC, which drew in thousands and thousands of people to the big apple to celebrate! I went to the parade for a bit on Sunday, which was an incredibly fun and moving experience (especially with the recent strike down of DOMA).

Other than that, nothing too new and exciting here! I have been pretty busy with my job and running around the city with my friends.I mus admit, I am stoked to see the huge 4th of July fireworks celebration tomorrow!
Happy 4th,