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‘Kappa Kappa Gamma’

PPD, PNM’s & Presidency

Nov. 24, 2015—Why I went Greek and why you should too!

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It’s Been a Few Weeks Since Bid Day And….

Feb. 13, 2015—Can’t picture Bid Day? Imagine this: flower headbands, face paint, tutus, yelling, blaring music, jumping, and hugging people you’re meeting for the first time. Although it seems like months since over 500 girls sat anxiously on their bid cards in the Student Learning Center (which was its own type of cruel and unusual punishment), it’s...

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Why I’m Thankful for Vanderbilt Greek Life

Nov. 26, 2014—After going through recruitment at the beginning of my second semester at Vanderbilt, I became a sister of Kappa Kappa Gamma, but this post isn’t titled ‘Why I’m Thankful for Kappa’ for a reason. By the nature of Greek Life at Vanderbilt, Kappa wasn't the be-all and end-all of my experience, and for that I am truly thankful.

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A (Tues)day in the Life

Nov. 23, 2014—Froyo, friends, philanthropy, newspaper, workouts, chicken wings AND class? Is my Tuesday too good to be true?!

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Kappa Kappa Weekend

Oct. 27, 2013—With 3 papers, a feature in the newspaper, a quiz, and a screenplay due, this week would’ve been busy on its own, but add Kappa Kappa Gala and Glow Kappa to it, and it was MAYHEM.

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The Write Stuff

Apr. 15, 2013—Before I admit that this super creative title was actually stolen from the company that made school supply packs for my elementary school, I have to apologize for not getting anything up here in a while. I’ve been SUPER busy with a whole bunch of things, including, but not limited to: doing my Econ homework,...

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The Land of the (Semi) Free

Mar. 21, 2013—To-do lists in college are double edged sword. Here's what I do and where I go when I feel like ignoring mine for a few hours.

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Too Involved

Aug. 24, 2011—The day after I swore I would not accept any more leadership positions, I received this email: “You have been nominated as President of Invisible Children- Vanderbilt. Do you accept?”‘

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