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Picking a Major

Nov. 11, 2016—I finally declared my major! But wow, picking a major is stressful- there’s a lot of pressure to make the right choice. What’s even more frustrating is when you finally figure it out only to be faced with the inevitable question of “What kind of job can you get with that major?” from you parents....

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Juniors: An Endangered Species

Oct. 5, 2016—With so many of my friends studying abroad first semester, fall at Vanderbilt has been a unique, unpredictable start to the school year.

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Apr. 9, 2015—How Vanderbilt helped me make summer plans!

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My time at Time Inc.

Aug. 9, 2014—Looking at my calendar these days blows my mind. Somehow it’s August again, and soon enough I’ll be back home. No, not home home, but my home away from home — the place I’ve spent a lot more time at than home-home in the last two years. But this year is different than the last couple...

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How to Get Rich and NOT Die Tryin

Feb. 17, 2014—When I say the words: college student. what is the first thing that you think of? Maybe you're philosophical and all that and think: "the future." Me? Not so much. The first word I think of is poor. Poor College Student. These two go perfectly together, like teenage girls and vampires. Here is my guide to get rich but not die tryin'.

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Bye Bye MacAuthority

Aug. 16, 2012—Part of moving back to school means having to say goodbye to people and places that have grown near and dear to the heart over the course of the summer, and my work family at MacAuthority belongs on that list.

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My Shout-out (or How to be an Inside ‘Dore)

Jan. 25, 2012—Applications for first-year students to be Inside Dores bloggers are due today at 4:00 pm! I have few illusions that this article will be of assistance to applicants at such a late hour (if I even finish this before the deadline), but I decided this was a good occasion to write about being an undergraduate...

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Summer’s Start

Jun. 1, 2011—Since it now June, and I have been home for a few weeks, I think the fact that I won’t be returning to Vanderbilt for another 2 months is finally sinking in. Coming home has been wonderful and relaxing, but I am definitely starting to miss the hustle and bustle of Vandy life.

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A Nashville Summer…

Jul. 21, 2010—At the end of the semester one of the older girls in my sorority who was graduating sent out an e-mail to all of the younger girls, giving us a list of things that we should make sure to do before we graduate. Among the urgings of not sweating the small stuff and making sure...

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Internship Help!

Mar. 28, 2010—As a Human and Organizational Development major in the Peabody College I am to complete a semester long internship with a company around Nashville next year, my first semester of my senior year. (There are other city and semester options, but I chose Nashville cause it’s awesome!) While there is a whole office set aside...

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