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My Career Plans

Feb. 17, 2020—As you will know if you’ve read my other posts, I am a neuroscience and psychology double major planning on attending medical school next year. I thought I would briefly discuss my future career plans so that you can understand how my time at Vanderbilt and beyond fits into the larger picture.   Broadly, my...

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Balancing a Job and Schoolwork Somewhat Well

Apr. 11, 2017—Life here at Vandy can be pretty overwhelming.  It can also be super overwhelming if, like me, you have a disorganized work ethic, a dedication to napping daily, and an obsession with social media that inhibits you from ever being 100%, wholeheartedly productive in the realm of academics. If such is the case for you, don’t fret: somehow, things...

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To Those Who Work, I Salute You

Dec. 18, 2014—Vanderbilt pimped my resume!

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Blazers and Résumés and Keeping My Sanity

Oct. 26, 2014—As a senior at Vanderbilt, I am constantly plagued with the “What are your plans after graduation, again?” question. It’s not that I’m sick of it — it’s just that I am still asking myself that same question. I don’t know my plans, world! One of the main reasons I chose Vanderbilt my senior year...

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Christmas Time Fun

Dec. 9, 2013—More holiday party fun!

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My On-Campus Job is the Bomb-Diggity

Sep. 29, 2013—Having a job in college sounds like a drag, but it really doesn't have to be. This is the first semester I've had a job on campus, and let me tell ya, it is a piece of cake. I am working for Vanderbilt Technology Support Services (TSS for short) in various free computer labs located across campus, but the day-to-day operations of this "job" are sitting at a desk and doing my homework, occasionally giving creepy grins to the people walking into the lab.

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New Year, New Semester

Aug. 22, 2013—The Fall Semester of 2013 has begun. I am now officially a Junior in college and have passed the half-way point of my college career. Here is a preview of my junior year schedule. This semester, I decided to take 19 hours per week, one hour more than the standard 18 hours. These classes are:...

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The Other Half of Summer

Aug. 20, 2013—I’ve talked a lot about my internship at redpepper, and before I start talking about my senior year here at Vandy (eeek!) I want to cover how I spent the three days of my work week that weren’t spent at redpepper–working in the Vanderbilt Office of Undergraduate Admissions! My work at the VU OUA was...

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Tax Free Weekend: Round 2

Aug. 5, 2013—It's that time of the year in Tennessee when everyone is out shopping trying to save a few dollars where they can. If you go back to this time last year, you'll find that I participated on the retail side of Tax Free Weekend shopping for the first time with MacAuthority.

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Back in the Nash

Jun. 12, 2013—After a relaxing month in Naples, I was ready to get back into the swing of something–and that something happens to be Nashville! This is the first summer I’ve gone back to the city, and I’m so excited to share with you all what I’m doing while here! First off, as Caitlyn mentioned, we’re roomies...

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