The “Last” Day of Classes
Dec. 7, 2011—Today is Dec. 7, 2011. Significance? Today is the last day of the Fall 2011 semester! …for me! Both of my classes tomorrow, Dec. 8 aka the actual last day of classes, were cancelled since all that we have left to do is turn in our final papers. All that’s left is one week of...
Acting for an “A”
Dec. 6, 2011—For my Fundamentals of Theatre class, the final project was performing a short scene for the entire class. We were not simply given a script and told what to do by our professor, but rather the performances were entirely student-run.
A Weekend Away, Wilskills-style
Dec. 4, 2011—Since I’m studying abroad next semester, this weekend was my final hoorah with WilSkills, my number one extracurriculear at Vanderbilt. Being a second semester instructor for the course/club conglomerate, this semester was my first when I’d be allowed to “lead” a trip. The first trip I lead will also correlate to my last WilSkills trip...
Final Friday of Classes!
Dec. 2, 2011—I know I’ve been mentioning how I can’t believe how quickly this semester has gone by for the past few posts. You’d think that I’d be used to it by now, but no such luck. Within a mere week, my third semester at Vanderbilt will officially be over! Ahh. Still can’t get over that.
Undergraduate Research at Vanderbilt
Nov. 27, 2011—For the past 2 and a half years of my college career, I have been working in a structural biology lab for credit. The various departments at Vanderbilt each have their own way of incorporating undergraduate research into their curriculum, whether they be science or humanities related. I am currently in the process of concluding...
A Carnivalesque Thanksgiving
Nov. 26, 2011—This semester I am taking a course in the French department called “From Carnival to Carnivalesque.” It is taught by an amazing professor, Dr. Robert Barsky. But, don’t let him catch me calling him Dr. such-and-such. He prefers to go by Bob.
Sophomore Year Comes to a Close
May. 6, 2011—That’s that. I have completed my second year at Vanderbilt! At 5:00 PM on Wednesday afternoon, I finished my Intro to Biological Sciences (BSCI 110B) final which marked the beginning of summer! This morning I packed up my remaining belongings and left for my hometown of Auburn, Alabama. While on the road I began to mentally compile...
More Study Breaks!
Apr. 29, 2011—Studying for finals can get pretty boring/intense/repetitive, so I try to make sure I take sufficient breaks to maintain sanity.
Study Breaks!
Apr. 29, 2011—Finals week has once again struck Vanderbilt as you’ve probably seen from the posts of my fellow bloggers. This, combined with the ever-looming task of packing and making sure everything is in order for the end of the year means that every once and a while, a study break is essential.