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The “Last” Day of Classes

Posted by on Wednesday, December 7, 2011 in Academics, College Life, General Information, Student Life, Studying.

Today is Dec. 7, 2011. Significance? Today is the last day of the Fall 2011 semester! …for me! Both of my classes tomorrow, Dec. 8 aka the actual last day of classes, were cancelled since all that we have left to do is turn in our final papers. All that’s left is one week of terrifying finals, all-nighters, lots of coffee, and surprisingly…more free time than ever before! Despite all the final exams and papers, the lack of class and the separation of exams allows a lot of free time to hang out during finals week…assuming you are productive and efficient during the day!

But the last day of classes is kind of bittersweet. You realize that despite all the stress classes gave you, you did make some friends in a few, actually learned stuff in them all, and sort of kind of liked your classes.

Still, whew! It’s over and the all-night stress fests are done! We all survived the semester and now we get a real break. No one week tease like Thanksgiving. An awesome, three and a half week period of laziness without regret, hanging out with friends during the day as well as at night, and a time to grow out those nails you bit to shreds.

We made it through 16 weeks of work, work, and … did I mention work? We should be proud of ourselves and go out to celebrate!

But first, finals week!

A pile of my study materials

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