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‘finals week’

Moving Out!

Apr. 30, 2019—Vanderbilt offers students two weeks at the end of the second semester to take final exams and move out. This allows for flexibility in move out times so you do not have to stress about finals and moving out at the same time. Also, moving out is much less stressful because everyone is moving out...

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A quick breather

Dec. 10, 2018—Now that my two hardest finals – biochem and physics – are over, I can take things a bit easier. Though finals week is, by definition, not the most stress-free time of the year, it does not have to be as grueling as some people make it seem. A friend of mine, who is an electrical...

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Not quite Sweater Weather

Dec. 4, 2017—One of my mottos: Why be inside when you can be outside? Call it global warming, climate change, the South, etc., it’s hard to not enjoy this weather. Although we are in December right now, it feels more like October. Temperatures have been in the 60s and 70s, cooler in morning and evening but warming...

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Calm before the storm

Dec. 4, 2017—Finals season is upon us… I’ve been saying this all semester, but time goes by so quickly at Vandy. It feels like we just started the school year, and it’s already time for finals. Especially after Thanksgiving break, it just goes by super quickly. This weekend I did some studying, but I also just tried...

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Life at Vandy: Finals Week

Apr. 29, 2017—Ever wondered what finals week entails at Vanderbilt? This semester, I am taking six courses: Sex and Society, Health Care Policy, Econometrics, Junior Honors Economics’ Research, Construction of Reality, and Early Renaissance Florence. All these classes had either examinations or research papers due during finals week. Here’s what my finals’ timeline looks like for the Spring...

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Finals Week at Vanderbilt

Dec. 15, 2016—What is Finals Week like at Vanderbilt?

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The Final Final: Finals Week at Vandy!!!

Dec. 22, 2015—During a stay at Washington University at St. Louis for Multicultural Celebration Weekend, I stayed with six sophomores. As I walked around the dorm, one of them told me that her room reflected the state of her mind. During Finals week, she told me, she couldn’t even see her bed under all the clothes, papers, and books. Horrified, I swore that this would never be me.

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The Five People You Meet During Finals

Dec. 18, 2015—And yes, those are my mechanism-covered whiteboards. I’m very proud of them. They helped me get a good grade in Orgo this semester, although I think they’re less Beautiful Mind and more like that scene in 21 Jump Street where Channing Tatum draws 4s all over the board in his Chemistry class

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Think Positive

Dec. 13, 2015—Finals week in college is an interesting time. For the first time since August, it feels like everything halts. Maybe that’s a weird way of thinking about it, because the amount of studying that is occurring on this campus right now can in no way be described as a “break.” When I say that campus...

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Farewell, Freshman Year!

Apr. 21, 2015—All the feels.

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