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Why I Love Vandy in the Fall Semester

Dec. 18, 2019—With Fall semester officially being over, I’m reminiscing about all the good times. Coming from South Florida, there isn’t much of a seasonal weather change. It pretty much stays warm all year long. So being at Vanderbilt in the fall, with an actual fall season, has been a delightful experience. Spring semester is great, but...

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Green (and Orange) Walks

Dec. 2, 2018—Walking across campus is electric; people are in constant motion going to one activity or another, the buildings all hum with academic energy, and the sun radiates down on the whole scene. The constantly available stimulus of people and papers is enough to capture anyone’s attention for a lifetime. The last thing on anyone’s mind...

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Such pretty! Wow foliage!

Nov. 4, 2017—Feast your eyes on these gorgeous scapes of land! All on this lovely campus: I literally stopped while riding my bike so I could capture this gorgeous scenery. Fall really is quite beautiful on campus! The weather this weekend is a bit strange. It was colder during the week, especially mornings and evenings. But starting...

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Ins and Outs of Transfer Student Orientation

Apr. 10, 2017—This just in — the new Transfer Student Leaders (TSLs) have been selected for the fall semester! This dynamic and dedicated group includes 19 newbies and 7 returners. These students are the primary pioneers to help design and execute Transfer Orientation, as well as guide a group of new transfer students through their first months acclimating to...

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Boo at the Zoo!

Nov. 1, 2016—What do to for Halloween weekend? Give out candy, candy, and more candy! An adventure in volunteering at the Nashville Zoo with my ASBoos.

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Fall Festivities!

Oct. 10, 2016—Between the crisp weather, the apple cider, school starting (I’m an education major, remember? I love love love school) and Halloween (who doesn’t love dressing up?!), fall takes the absolute gold when comparing seasons in my mind.

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Seasons May Change

Dec. 8, 2015—At Vanderbilt, every season is the best season.

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A Peek into the Course Load

Dec. 19, 2014—Whew. My last fall semester at Vanderbilt is behind me, and I am overflowing with all of the feelz. Cue that sappy Vitamin C song. Some of the greatness of the past few months has been due to extracurriculars and just general being-a-senior-ness, but the majority of the credit goes to my spectacular Vandy courses. I don't normally take the time to walk through my class schedule or describe what my course load is like, but as I'm sitting here at home under the twinkly Christmas tree and as Michael Bublé quietly serenades me with I'll Be Home for Christmas, I'm feeling nostalgic. I thought I'd take the opportunity to do a little gushing.

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Nov. 7, 2013—Are you allowed to come up with new words? I think it's almost legitimate. Do you remember the Tebowing movement, the planking craze, or the milking silliness on YouTube? I'm calling it now: treeking started here. If you were wondering about the etymology of "treeking," the words "tree" and "freaking" were combined one day in the fall at Vanderbilt to describe the state of a particular student. So treeking is exactly that: freaking out about trees.

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FALLing in love with Vanderbilt

Oct. 28, 2013—Sorry for the tacky title, but it gets my point across: I LOVE fall in Nashville. Here are a few reasons, complete with pumpkin carving, Halloween and the weather.

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